Hi John,
Biscuit lemon drops marshmallow. Cotton candy marshmallow bear claw. Dragée tiramisu cookie cotton candy. Carrot cake sweet roll I love macaroon wafer jelly soufflé I love dragée. Jujubes jelly I love carrot cake topping I love. Sweet candy I love chupa chups dragée. Tart I love gummies. Chocolate bar carrot cake candy wafer candy canes oat cake I love. Sesame snaps icing pudding sweet roll marshmallow. Cupcake brownie sweet roll chocolate bar I love gummies. Biscuit biscuit macaroon sesame snaps macaroon icing I love soufflé caramels. Apple pie candy jelly. I love icing gummi bears jelly-o pie muffin apple pie.
Marshmallow halvah brownie cake marzipan ice cream marshmallow. I love lollipop toffee croissant liquorice wafer muffin. Lollipop jelly beans caramels lollipop tootsie roll pudding pie macaroon tootsie roll. Oat cake jujubes gummies cake cake powder cupcake soufflé muffin. Chocolate caramels muffin tart. Jelly beans caramels dessert cotton candy liquorice chocolate cake. Chupa chups muffin bear claw I love. Biscuit jujubes soufflé tart caramels pie sugar plum. Croissant jelly beans cake. Ice cream chocolate liquorice dessert cookie chocolate cake. Powder tart sweet roll macaroon croissant. Sweet tootsie roll macaroon gummi bears macaroon. Gingerbread cake tart.
Kristeen Sicilia
',\n attachments: [\n {\n fileName: 'log.txt',\n thumbnail: require('@src/assets/images/icons/txt.png').default,\n url: '',\n size: '5mb'\n },\n {\n fileName: 'performance.xls',\n thumbnail: require('@src/assets/images/icons/xls.png').default,\n url: '',\n size: '10mb'\n }\n ],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['private'],\n time: 'Mon Dec 10 2018 07:46:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'inbox',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n from: {\n email: 'tressag@mail.com',\n name: 'Tressa Gass',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/2.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@mail.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Company Report',\n cc: ['vrushankbrahmshatriya@mail.com'],\n bcc: ['menka@mail.com'],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
Chocolate bar chupa chups sweet roll chocolate muffin macaroon liquorice tart. Carrot cake topping jelly-o cupcake sweet apple pie jelly I love. Chocolate cake I love dessert carrot cake tootsie roll chocolate I love. Tootsie roll pie marzipan sesame snaps. Lemon drops cake I love chocolate I love. Cheesecake croissant croissant cheesecake tootsie roll chocolate cake caramels. I love I love cake jelly. Pastry jelly beans I love I love. I love tootsie roll gummies toffee I love cookie cookie. Brownie tart croissant.
I love jelly pie. Croissant jelly beans lemon drops oat cake. Cupcake carrot cake ice cream cake cookie jelly-o fruitcake jelly macaroon. Biscuit muffin cupcake chocolate bar lollipop danish.
Ice cream I love I love lemon drops cotton candy macaroon. Jujubes soufflé oat cake sweet roll bear claw cotton candy cookie toffee tootsie roll. Danish sesame snaps sesame snaps cookie jelly danish chocolate bar.
Fruitcake pastry bear claw chocolate cookie. Biscuit icing bear claw. Sweet roll liquorice jelly-o muffin toffee I love wafer. Candy pastry halvah. Pie pastry candy canes tart. Fruitcake I love liquorice icing sweet roll macaroon. I love ice cream jelly-o biscuit brownie marzipan topping pudding sesame snaps. Chupa chups brownie brownie cotton candy sugar plum toffee. Tiramisu tootsie roll gingerbread biscuit I love ice cream brownie sesame snaps. I love croissant I love I love brownie pie marshmallow.
Tressa Gass
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: true,\n labels: ['company', 'private'],\n time: 'Mon Dec 10 2018 07:55:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'inbox',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n from: {\n email: 'hettiem@mail.com',\n name: 'Hettie Mcerlean',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/3.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@mail.com'\n },\n {\n name: 'Pixinvent',\n email: 'hello@pixinvent.net'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Order Delivered',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
Chocolate bar chupa chups sweet roll chocolate muffin macaroon liquorice tart. Carrot cake topping jelly-o cupcake sweet apple pie jelly I love. Chocolate cake I love dessert carrot cake tootsie roll chocolate I love. Tootsie roll pie marzipan sesame snaps. Lemon drops cake I love chocolate I love. Cheesecake croissant croissant cheesecake tootsie roll chocolate cake caramels. I love I love cake jelly. Pastry jelly beans I love I love. I love tootsie roll gummies toffee I love cookie cookie. Brownie tart croissant.
I love jelly pie. Croissant jelly beans lemon drops oat cake. Cupcake carrot cake ice cream cake cookie jelly-o fruitcake jelly macaroon. Biscuit muffin cupcake chocolate bar lollipop danish.
Ice cream I love I love lemon drops cotton candy macaroon. Jujubes soufflé oat cake sweet roll bear claw cotton candy cookie toffee tootsie roll. Danish sesame snaps sesame snaps cookie jelly danish chocolate bar.
Fruitcake pastry bear claw chocolate cookie. Biscuit icing bear claw. Sweet roll liquorice jelly-o muffin toffee I love wafer. Candy pastry halvah. Pie pastry candy canes tart. Fruitcake I love liquorice icing sweet roll macaroon. I love ice cream jelly-o biscuit brownie marzipan topping pudding sesame snaps. Chupa chups brownie brownie cotton candy sugar plum toffee. Tiramisu tootsie roll gingerbread biscuit I love ice cream brownie sesame snaps. I love croissant I love I love brownie pie marshmallow.
Hettie Mcerlean
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['company'],\n time: 'Mon Dec 10 2018 08:35:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'spam',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n from: {\n email: 'louettae@mail.com',\n name: 'Louetta Esses',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/4.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@mail.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Waterfall Model Update',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hi John,
Biscuit lemon drops marshmallow. Cotton candy marshmallow bear claw. Dragée tiramisu cookie cotton candy. Carrot cake sweet roll I love macaroon wafer jelly soufflé I love dragée. Jujubes jelly I love carrot cake topping I love. Sweet candy I love chupa chups dragée. Tart I love gummies. Chocolate bar carrot cake candy wafer candy canes oat cake I love. Sesame snaps icing pudding sweet roll marshmallow. Cupcake brownie sweet roll chocolate bar I love gummies. Biscuit biscuit macaroon sesame snaps macaroon icing I love soufflé caramels. Apple pie candy jelly. I love icing gummi bears jelly-o pie muffin apple pie.
Marshmallow halvah brownie cake marzipan ice cream marshmallow. I love lollipop toffee croissant liquorice wafer muffin. Lollipop jelly beans caramels lollipop tootsie roll pudding pie macaroon tootsie roll. Oat cake jujubes gummies cake cake powder cupcake soufflé muffin. Chocolate caramels muffin tart. Jelly beans caramels dessert cotton candy liquorice chocolate cake. Chupa chups muffin bear claw I love. Biscuit jujubes soufflé tart caramels pie sugar plum. Croissant jelly beans cake. Ice cream chocolate liquorice dessert cookie chocolate cake. Powder tart sweet roll macaroon croissant. Sweet tootsie roll macaroon gummi bears macaroon. Gingerbread cake tart.
Kristeen Sicilia
',\n attachments: [\n {\n fileName: 'report.doc',\n thumbnail: require('@src/assets/images/icons/doc.png').default,\n url: '',\n size: '32mb'\n }\n ],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['important'],\n time: 'Mon Dec 11 2018 09:04:10 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'inbox',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 5,\n from: {\n email: 'bposvner0@zdnet.com',\n name: 'Bobbie Posvner',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/11.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@dot.gov'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Re-contextualized zero administration toolset',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
Epiboly henbill hemichorea composedness resequent hearthpenny racialization freeboard Reboulia Albuginaceae Violales Trisagion resinlike plumlet insalubrious Urocoptis Orthoceratidae ogmic plateaux reinsist preconsumption rattener venipuncture Rhadamanthine
perversely corpusculated theophoric uncemented weiring myolipoma gudesire dramatics trichomaphyte adventitious video polychaete glossorrhaphy bestially zoospore nonnotional sawbones unprejudiciable wali collaborative coppled shammish manless predisorder
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: true,\n labels: ['private'],\n time: 'Tue Dec 12 2018 11:55:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'spam',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 6,\n from: {\n email: 'rgilder1@illinois.edu',\n name: 'Rebecca Gilder',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/6.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@google.co.uk'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Integrated bi-directional help-desk',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
irretraceably indestructibility sisi fiddle pyretic Gerbera vocable hoped Chartreux thinglet whister fetiferous Guhayna overloud yuca suggestibly atmiatrics serioludicrous prehaustorium androgenic betulin chiropterite sprittail atrochal
stopper acinaceous bandcutter unprostituted undependableness Saffarid parasympathetic dishonorer embryogeny overscrupulous deicidal Tapuya roupily devotee alfet sophiologic hydrobromide onlook preverb Dottore primitial frostlike overbig Monocyclica
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['personal'],\n time: 'Thu Dec 13 2018 08:25:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'trash',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 7,\n from: {\n email: 'swilby2@yandex.ru',\n name: 'Shawn Wilby',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@altervista.org'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Devolved regional product',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
scalpellum unisometrical emend esotrope gether separatical passionwise cringe flawful annotinous jiboa thrombotic essoinment successional backrope oligohemia gitaligenin formulaic bradycinesia paralgesic eumycetic receptoral eyrie yearly
atomistical semischolastic clour discardment pseudelytron cheson path Bennet Herat pinchem Tho extravagantly shaking procidence flocker amidoketone gyric Moi petrolific clink immunization estrepement spalder poitrail
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['company'],\n time: 'Fri Dec 14 2018 04:49:23 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'draft',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 8,\n from: {\n email: 'wmannering3@mozilla.org',\n name: 'Waldemar Mannering',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/11.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@sciencedaily.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Quality-focused methodical flexibility',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hi John,
wartproof ketoheptose incomplicate hyomental organal supermaterial monogene sophister nizamate rightle multifilament phloroglucic overvehement boatloading derelictly probudgeting archantiquary unknighted pallograph Volcanalia Jacobitiana ethyl neth Jugatae
noumenalize irredential energeia phlebotomist galp dactylitis unparticipated solepiece demure metarhyolite toboggan unpleased perilaryngeal binoxalate rabbitry atomic duali dihexahedron Pseudogryphus boomboat obelisk undreaded unadmired podometer
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['private'],\n time: 'Tue Dec 15 2018 11:02:28 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'inbox',\n isRead: false\n },\n {\n id: 9,\n from: {\n email: 'hfrostdyke4@scientificamerican.com',\n name: 'Heath Frostdyke',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@weibo.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Secured optimal algorithm',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
prefertility volumetrical subdivision Alpinist hypostomous foreyard lede knuckling Agade viking protometallic unsting palaeobiologist trierarchic bigheartedness Slartibartfast tabitude popadam idioplasm fabulous arsenite cingle backhandedness denizenship
argo trickish dependingly unhouseled aegeriid ophthalmophlebotomy crazy freedwoman unspinsterlike clinical epistemologically hermodactyl humbugger misogynist plunder Sabbathly tabule feckless cerite porringer benumb duograph propatagian pressman
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: true,\n labels: ['personal'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 01 2018 18:31:19 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'trash',\n isRead: false\n },\n {\n id: 10,\n from: {\n email: 'pjentzsch5@tamu.edu',\n name: 'Paulita Jentzsch',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/7.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@skype.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Profound user-facing frame',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
unstintedly septifarious prevalid implicative esere Kedarite Nekkar encampment Issedones Saururus Turkize Tshi misengrave lamnid benzamine rigidulous octonion hydrophilous coxalgic nasturtium epileptogenic biporose undenominationalism widu
melioration pager infiltrate plouky tribesmanship transudate heinous exhibitionistic klendusic lienocele tractate unemotioned castigate selenate appealable Palladianism chloracetate penna moellon detector halcyon amidofluorid damascene hollaite
',\n attachments: [\n {\n fileName: 'UtNulla.xls',\n thumbnail: require('@src/assets/images/icons/xls.png').default,\n url: '',\n size: '1mb'\n }\n ],\n isStarred: true,\n labels: ['important'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 03 2018 08:05:33 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'draft',\n isRead: false\n },\n {\n id: 11,\n from: {\n email: 'lminghetti6@yale.edu',\n name: 'Lowell Minghetti',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/4.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@fda.gov'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Reactive full-range encryption',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hi John,
Jaime stadimeter reshearer adfix exaristate herby chrysomonad ostentous Abrahamic Marsipobranchii skil linguodental relaster restbalk enhorror glycerizine foremelt difficultness Ostreidae Euphues panduriform howler Finmark primordality
semicurvilinear skeet sociogenetic dicephalism ghalva ethnicon katagenesis tasklike triachenium abuser henbane strubbly streetway Ramaism besetting saccos enzymically wickiup inopulent poetship Miranda hemianesthesia sphericle oariopathy
',\n attachments: [\n {\n fileName: 'ElementumLigula.js',\n thumbnail: require('@src/assets/images/icons/js.png').default,\n url: '',\n size: '29mb'\n }\n ],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['company'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 03 2018 01:05:20 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'trash',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 12,\n from: {\n email: 'efinessy7@sbwire.com',\n name: 'Eugenie Finessy',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/2.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@odnoklassniki.ru'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Polarised holistic protocol',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
nonmotile generale punctated humanify escharine unlatch alrighty unshepherding standstill upcrane unilobular prefrontal primate fluviatic premundane tritocone compaternity dolina phonautographic cobby corse neurohypnotic cyrtopia wreathy
slanderousness Lemosi myxochondroma haemogram electrothermostat piperonyl spital reappeal pyopneumothorax Yunca eyoty forecourse extensive kickout germanization vigilant Criophoros muss aortostenosis Berchta phonophotoscopic precorrespondence rigidist castling
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['personal'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 04 2018 21:26:54 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'sent',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 13,\n from: {\n email: 'tmckeurton8@163.com',\n name: 'Tadio McKeurton',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/10.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@nifty.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Down-sized transitional intranet',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hey John,
calcimine gramineal nonfreezable interradial setula undertakable Abranchiata ultrasystematic spectroelectric Astarte Abraham bedsite enantiopathia exlex precoincident thiocarbamic mesenteriform daturism thioantimoniate tripudiate unsultry predynastic benzidino doxasticon
overstale confessory glossed jane smoodger modernization Dehkan progymnospermic gangliectomy volumenometry Paulinistically tippy Gelfomino hive preredemption coccygine horrendous unintrusted plainer interrelatedly tearer arrojadite incircumspectly yokemating
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['important'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 05 2018 19:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'draft',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 14,\n from: {\n email: 'ebegg9@wikia.com',\n name: 'Eb Begg',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-9.jpg').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@51.la'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Organized value-added model',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello Sir,
Lituola restrengthen bathofloric manciple decaffeinize Debby aciliated eatage proscribe prejurisdiction buttle quacky hyposecretion indemonstrableness schelling lymphopathy consumptivity nonappointment filminess spumiform erotogenicity equestrianize boneflower interlardation
allocate ponzite cote guilder tuff strind blamefully cocaine monstrously apocalyptically sublanate cherubimical oligoplasmia Miltonian hydrazyl unbeset statured Unami Cordeau strouthiocamelian geitjie larigo sociometry align
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['company'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 06 2018 23:12:13 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'inbox',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 15,\n from: {\n email: 'mspata@sina.com.cn',\n name: 'Modestine Spat',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@oracle.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Profound systemic alliance 🎉 🎊',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hey John,
Parthenopean logeion chipwood tonsilitic cockleshell substance Stilbum dismayed tape Alderamin Phororhacos bridewain zoonomia lujaurite printline extraction weanedness charterless splitmouth bindoree unfit philological Pythonissa scintillescent
cinchonism sabbaton thyrocricoid dissuasively schematograph immerse pristane stimulability unreligion uncomplemental uteritis nef bavenite Hachiman teleutosorus anterolateral infirmate Nahani Hyla barile farthing crea venesector Cirrostomi
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['company'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 07 2018 12:25:03 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'inbox',\n isRead: false\n },\n {\n id: 16,\n from: {\n email: 'cprandob@rambler.ru',\n name: 'Chase Prando',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/2.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@vistaprint.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Centralized intermediate instruction set',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Respected Sir,
drainman merman pleurosteal slatted serenader Tantalus slodder cachalot guerdon flannelflower digestibility priggish loa monocarbide endive rented kelep pangamous gummata siris stockproof butlerism polycrystalline begetter
rack unpaining beglue astucious yardstick laniflorous tetrachloride avidious Biblicistic clival myosinogen antilobium unamiability unperforate Elaphurus wrapping deformity revocative kovil unwainscoted councilmanic saccharobiose federalize procellous
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['company'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 08 2018 00:36:40 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'sent',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 17,\n from: {\n email: 'nbartlesc@merriam-webster.com',\n name: 'Normand Bartles',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@si.edu'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Re-contextualized leading edge projection',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
orpine anidiomatic protoreptilian lacklusterness macromastia obstetricate Phaneroglossa tripleness laxatively hypophloeous ocellate sinoauricular porch lignitic miche strinkle hyperthyreosis tugui Alascan unrailroaded Cypriote vesuvian gradative hardener
forthink Locarno wattlework Nordicist formoxime demipriest medrick Lomentaria lucible Canossa Manatus anaplasty Spirochaete bonus overgown Amurru Skupshtina opisthorchiasis preworthy Brodie shortchange Nikko Gaviae crosscut
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['personal'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 09 2018 22:06:50 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'spam',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 18,\n from: {\n email: 'rgennd@dedecms.com',\n name: 'Robin Genn',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/6.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@about.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Team-oriented system-worthy intranet',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hi John,
balsamation teachableness enarthrodia dentilation superguarantee Yuapin schedulize antarctically biocoenotic unspottedly stinter admonitorily uncollatedness umquhile grayhead dephase stopgap evenglow photogenically desmacyte rink osiered specking ratwa
hospitize epithymetical montage rhapsodical Ninja superdramatist westerner clubionid haustellate Saltator rodding ophthalmomalacia concupiscibleness tingle hyperuresis Trigoniidae rearousal sanctimonial Munychia counterpaned exhibitable communer triadism Janiform
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: true,\n labels: ['personal'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 10 2018 01:51:24 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'spam',\n isRead: true\n },\n {\n id: 19,\n from: {\n email: 'eramelote@webeden.co.uk',\n name: 'Emmalynn Ramelot',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/8.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@tinypic.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Phased eco-centric architecture',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hey John,
hightoby Maja vindicatorship unglobe poduran bronchodilatation uncontorted underwarden cyclometric orgiacs tigerhearted upscale curatize Scylliorhinidae slick unisolated nanocephalous cuirassier heartwise Venusian titanitic requirement antirestoration toluido
Trematosaurus procreant ethos pessimistic antiselene pisk Amphipneusta anconad Corchorus unswabbed sizable Balanites sardonical shovelbill trammeler carpetwork rhexis remade myelinated right bounteous unsin retroduction Montanist
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: true,\n labels: ['personal'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 11 2018 14:25:46 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'spam',\n isRead: false\n },\n {\n id: 20,\n from: {\n email: 'pcuzenf@mediafire.com',\n name: 'Penni Cuzen',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@google.es'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Future-proofed motivating support',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
yonder secessionalist astringer Ovangangela overcumber supracaecal scutulate Aglaonema Pakawan citril unsubducted cavernal multivalve ladify Cichorium supplication flexion cricothyroidean picaro locally etiogenic timeously scalpeen sapropel
agglutinative hyperideation Flamandize antipragmatic wincer brachyphalangia forenotion Angloman ornamentation merch revulsed windingly tristate orgic sateless orseilline Anchietea pilferer aroid counselor forevermore kulmet maladventure haruspice
',\n attachments: [\n {\n fileName: 'Augue.js',\n thumbnail: require('@src/assets/images/icons/js.png').default,\n url: '',\n size: '4mb'\n }\n ],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['private'],\n time: 'Tue Jan 12 2018 04:16:10 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'spam',\n isRead: false\n },\n {\n id: 21,\n from: {\n email: 'abaldersong@utexas.edu',\n name: 'Ardis Balderson',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-9.jpg').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@ow.ly'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Focused impactful open system 📷 😃',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hey John,
bah kivu decrete epanorthotic unnotched Argyroneta nonius veratrine preimaginary saunders demidolmen Chaldaic allusiveness lorriker unworshipping ribaldish tableman hendiadys outwrest unendeavored fulfillment scientifical Pianokoto Chelonia
Freudian sperate unchary hyperneurotic phlogiston duodecahedron unflown Paguridea catena disrelishable Stygian paleopsychology cantoris phosphoritic disconcord fruited inblow somewhatly ilioperoneal forrard palfrey Satyrinae outfreeman melebiose
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: true,\n labels: ['company'],\n time: new Date(new Date().getTime() - 7 * 60 * 60 * 1000),\n replies: [],\n folder: 'inbox',\n isRead: false\n },\n {\n id: 22,\n from: {\n email: 'dmallallh@ask.com',\n name: 'Dagmar Mallall',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/8.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@furl.net'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Function-based local productivity 💻',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Dear Consumer,
gibbed preconceptual passionwort Goanese confluence ungnaw aubepine coadjacency Romipetal isochronic convener overinsistently psammophyte colpenchyma unlogic instinctivist motorcab wellhole receptacle sinistrocular avifaunal decagram paramountness samhita
sphincterismus Aunjetitz vagabondage parallelotropism unreceipted io wheretoever semivolcanic Chlamydomonadidae spittlestaff spermatogenic Sephardi berrigan lowly grotesquerie Pentameridae unsuccessive archlexicographer Stephanian reimpatriate untossed beth ventriloquial dedicational
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['company'],\n time: new Date(new Date().getTime() - 5 * 20 * 60 * 1000),\n replies: [],\n folder: 'draft',\n isRead: false\n },\n {\n id: 23,\n from: {\n email: 'nmacgaughyi@aol.com',\n name: 'Nada MacGaughy',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/3.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@cnet.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Compatible object-oriented policy ',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello John,
miraculous pirijiri meekheartedness superoxygenation Elric paries epideictical Prajapati reassign stridlins spoach overreadily abusion sailmaking illiterately septangularness retinene Hler exceptionary ferberite possessionalist piperide Oschophoria beau
abnormalize yearnfulness Janiculum sixhaend abstemiousness uterogestation orchestrina gallotannin muckment melanoblast supercivilization inclusionist electroosmotically immatchable stomatoplastic satinity hydrogen unexorable quinamidine milksopism fascinating ratsbane endocline Zolaist
',\n attachments: [\n {\n fileName: 'Leo.xls',\n thumbnail: require('@src/assets/images/icons/xls.png').default,\n url: '',\n size: '33mb'\n }\n ],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['private'],\n time: new Date(new Date().getTime() - 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000),\n replies: [],\n folder: 'trash',\n isRead: false\n },\n {\n id: 24,\n from: {\n email: 'douldcottj@yellowpages.com',\n name: 'Dalila Ouldcott',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@github.io'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'User-friendly value-added application 😊',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hey John,
wellish laminable ineunt popshop catalyte prismatize campimetrical lentisk excluding portlet coccinellid impestation Bangash Lollardist perameloid procerebrum presume cashmerette washbasin nainsook Odontolcae Alea holcodont welted
cibarious terrifical uploop naphthaleneacetic containable nonsailor Zwinglian blighty benchful guar porch fallectomy building coinvolve eidolism warmth unclericalize seismographic recongeal ethanethial clog regicidal regainment legific
',\n attachments: [\n {\n fileName: 'example.doc',\n thumbnail: require('@src/assets/images/icons/doc.png').default,\n url: '',\n size: '21mb'\n }\n ],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: ['personal'],\n time: new Date(new Date().getTime() - 1 * 30 * 60 * 1000),\n replies: [\n {\n id: 25,\n from: {\n email: 'johndoe@mail.com',\n name: 'John Doe',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/11.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'hettiem@mail.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: '🎯 Focused impactful open system',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Hello Hettie,
Marshmallow cookie jelly liquorice. Powder macaroon cake pastry biscuit. Cotton candy cotton candy jelly chocolate bar. Sesame snaps candy gummi bears cake cookie jujubes. Sweet I love sweet roll. Sesame snaps I love marzipan. Jelly powder tootsie roll. Marshmallow pudding cookie fruitcake liquorice powder. I love I love cookie chupa chups fruitcake ice cream I love biscuit I love. Tiramisu apple pie candy canes cookie gummies. Donut toffee bear claw topping jelly-o. Cupcake icing muffin. Cookie brownie wafer pie sweet. Icing sesame snaps halvah toffee marshmallow lemon drops jelly.
Tiramisu candy canes powder. Powder chocolate bar halvah liquorice cake I love danish. Cake wafer apple pie. Bear claw fruitcake I love marzipan dessert marzipan lollipop. Halvah gingerbread jelly chupa chups tiramisu I love wafer gummi bears. Candy powder caramels candy gummies. Tart tart cupcake brownie. Bear claw gummies toffee. Tiramisu donut cake chocolate bar. Halvah chocolate bar donut jelly-o. Icing candy brownie chocolate. Pastry bear claw halvah gummies chocolate bar chocolate. Apple pie danish wafer I love biscuit.
John Doe
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: [],\n time: 'Mon Dec 10 2018 10:56:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'inbox',\n isRead: false\n },\n {\n id: 26,\n from: {\n email: 'hettiem@mail.com',\n name: 'Hettie Mcerlean',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/3.png').default\n },\n to: [\n {\n name: 'me',\n email: 'johndoe@mail.com'\n }\n ],\n subject: 'Profound systemic alliance 🎉 🎊',\n cc: [],\n bcc: [],\n message:\n 'Oat cake tart danish jelly beans brownie I love. Liquorice I love lollipop chocolate cake carrot cake toffee. Tart muffin candy canes croissant sugar plum lollipop. Macaroon cheesecake marshmallow powder sweet roll bonbon candy apple pie candy canes.
Hettie Mcerlean
',\n attachments: [],\n isStarred: false,\n labels: [],\n time: 'Mon Dec 10 2018 11:25:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)',\n replies: [],\n folder: 'inbox',\n isRead: false\n }\n ],\n folder: 'inbox',\n isRead: true\n }\n ]\n}\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Return Emails\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/apps/email/emails').reply(config => {\n const { q = '', folder = 'inbox', label } = config.params\n\n const queryLowered = q.toLowerCase()\n\n function isInFolder(email) {\n if (folder === 'trash') return email.folder === 'trash'\n if (folder === 'starred') return email.isStarred && email.folder !== 'trash'\n return email.folder === (folder || email.folder) && email.folder !== 'trash'\n }\n\n const filteredData = data.emails.filter(\n email =>\n /* eslint-disable operator-linebreak, implicit-arrow-linebreak */\n (email.from.name.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) || email.subject.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered)) &&\n isInFolder(email) &&\n (label ? email.labels.includes(label) : true)\n )\n /* eslint-enable */\n\n // ------------------------------------------------\n // Email Meta\n // ------------------------------------------------\n const emailsMeta = {\n inbox: data.emails.filter(email => !email.isDeleted && !email.isRead && email.folder === 'inbox').length,\n draft: data.emails.filter(email => email.folder === 'draft').length,\n spam: data.emails.filter(email => !email.isDeleted && !email.isRead && email.folder === 'spam').length\n }\n\n return [\n 200,\n {\n emails: filteredData.reverse(),\n emailsMeta\n }\n ]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Update Email\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/email/update-emails').reply(config => {\n const { emailIds, dataToUpdate } = JSON.parse(config.data)\n function updateMailData(email) {\n Object.assign(email, dataToUpdate)\n }\n\n data.emails.forEach(email => {\n if (emailIds.includes(email.id)) updateMailData(email)\n })\n\n return [200]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Update Emails Label\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/email/update-emails-label').reply(config => {\n const { emailIds, label } = JSON.parse(config.data)\n\n function updateMailLabels(email) {\n const labelIndex = email.labels.indexOf(label)\n\n if (labelIndex === -1) email.labels.push(label)\n else email.labels.splice(labelIndex, 1)\n }\n\n data.emails.forEach(email => {\n if (emailIds.includes(email.id)) updateMailLabels(email)\n })\n\n return [200]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: GET Single Email\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/apps/email/get-email').reply(config => {\n const { id } = config\n\n const emailId = Number(id)\n\n const mail = data.emails.find(i => i.id === emailId)\n const mailIndex = data.emails.findIndex(i => i.id === mail.id)\n mailIndex === 0 ? (mail.hasPreviousMail = true) : (mail.hasPreviousMail = false)\n mailIndex === data.emails.length - 1 ? (mail.hasNextMail = true) : (mail.hasNextMail = false)\n\n return mail ? [200, mail] : [404]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Paginate Existing Email\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/apps/email/paginate-email').reply(config => {\n const { dir, emailId } = config.params\n\n const currentEmailIndex = data.emails.findIndex(e => e.id === emailId)\n\n const newEmailIndex = dir === 'previous' ? currentEmailIndex - 1 : currentEmailIndex + 1\n\n const newEmail = data.emails[newEmailIndex]\n\n return newEmail ? [200, newEmail] : [404]\n})\n/* eslint-enable */\n","// ** Mock Adapter\nimport mock from '../mock'\n\nconst now = new Date()\nconst dayAfterTomorrow = now.setDate(now.getDate() + 2)\n\nconst changeIndex = (arr, fromIndex, toIndex) => {\n const element = arr[fromIndex]\n arr.splice(fromIndex, 1)\n arr.splice(toIndex, 0, element)\n}\n\nconst data = {\n boards: [\n {\n id: 'todo',\n title: 'TODO'\n },\n {\n id: 'in-progress',\n title: 'In Progress'\n },\n {\n id: 'done',\n title: 'Done'\n }\n ],\n tasks: [\n {\n id: 1,\n labels: ['UX'],\n boardId: 'todo',\n description: 'lorem',\n dueDate: dayAfterTomorrow,\n title: 'Research FAQ page UX',\n attachments: [\n {\n name: 'documentation.doc',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/doc.png').default\n },\n {\n name: 'app.js',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/js.png').default\n }\n ],\n comments: [\n {\n name: 'Joey Tribbiani',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n },\n {\n name: 'Chandler Bing',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-5.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n },\n {\n name: 'Monica Geller',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-6.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n }\n ],\n assignedTo: [\n {\n title: 'Ross Geller',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-1.jpg').default\n },\n {\n title: 'Pheobe Buffay',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-2.jpg').default\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n labels: ['Images'],\n boardId: 'todo',\n coverImage: require('@src/assets/images/slider/03.jpg').default,\n description: 'lorem',\n dueDate: dayAfterTomorrow,\n title: 'Find new images for the apps',\n comments: [],\n attachments: [\n {\n name: 'book.pdf',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/pdf.png').default\n },\n {\n name: 'app.js',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/js.png').default\n }\n ],\n assignedTo: [\n {\n title: 'Rachel Green',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-4.jpg').default\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n labels: ['App'],\n attachments: [\n {\n name: 'list.txt',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/txt.png').default\n },\n {\n name: 'pdf.png',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/pdf.png').default\n }\n ],\n boardId: 'in-progress',\n description: '',\n dueDate: dayAfterTomorrow,\n title: 'Review completed Apps',\n comments: [\n {\n name: 'Chandler Bing',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-5.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n },\n {\n name: 'Monica Geller',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-6.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n },\n {\n name: 'Joey Tribbiani',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n },\n {\n name: 'Rachel Green',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-4.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n },\n {\n name: 'Ross Geller',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-1.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n },\n {\n name: 'Pheobe Buffay',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-2.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n }\n ],\n assignedTo: [\n {\n title: 'Monica Geller',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default\n },\n {\n title: 'Chandler Bing',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-4.jpg').default\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n labels: ['Code Review'],\n attachments: [\n {\n name: 'list.txt',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/txt.png').default\n },\n {\n name: 'pdf.png',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/pdf.png').default\n },\n {\n name: 'documentation.doc',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/doc.png').default\n },\n {\n name: 'app.js',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/js.png').default\n }\n ],\n boardId: 'in-progress',\n description: '',\n dueDate: dayAfterTomorrow,\n title: 'Review Javascript Code',\n comments: [\n {\n name: 'Chandler Bing',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-5.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n },\n {\n name: 'Monica Geller',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-6.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n }\n ],\n assignedTo: [\n {\n title: 'Joey Tribbiani',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default\n },\n {\n title: 'Jerry Seinfeld',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-4.jpg').default\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n id: 5,\n labels: ['Forms'],\n attachments: [\n {\n name: 'list.txt',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/txt.png').default\n }\n ],\n boardId: 'done',\n description: '',\n dueDate: dayAfterTomorrow,\n title: 'Forms & Tables Section',\n comments: [\n {\n name: 'Chandler Bing',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-5.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n },\n {\n name: 'Monica Geller',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-6.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n }\n ],\n assignedTo: [\n {\n title: 'Astro Kramer',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-1.jpg').default\n },\n {\n title: 'George Costanza',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-2.jpg').default\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n id: 6,\n labels: ['Charts & Maps'],\n attachments: [\n {\n name: 'documentation.doc',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/doc.png').default\n },\n {\n name: 'app.js',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/js.png').default\n },\n {\n name: 'book.pdf',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/icons/file-icons/pdf.png').default\n }\n ],\n boardId: 'done',\n description: '',\n dueDate: dayAfterTomorrow,\n title: 'Completed Charts & Maps',\n comments: [\n {\n name: 'Elaine Benes',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-5.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n },\n {\n name: 'Newman Knight',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-6.jpg').default,\n comment: 'Complete this on priority'\n }\n ],\n assignedTo: [\n {\n title: 'Charlie Kelly',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-6.jpg').default\n },\n {\n title: 'Dennis Reynolds',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-4.jpg').default\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Returns Boards\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/apps/kanban/boards').reply(() => {\n return [200, data.boards]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Returns Tasks\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/apps/kanban/tasks').reply(() => {\n return [200, data.tasks]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Reorder Tasks\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/kanban/reorder-tasks').reply(config => {\n const reOrderedTasks = JSON.parse(config.data).data\n\n const srcIndex = data.tasks.findIndex(i => Number(reOrderedTasks.taskId) === i.id)\n const targetIndex = data.tasks.findIndex(i => Number(reOrderedTasks.targetTaskId) === i.id)\n\n if (srcIndex !== -1 && targetIndex !== -1) {\n changeIndex(data.tasks, targetIndex, srcIndex)\n }\n\n return [200, data.tasks]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Update Task Board\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/kanban/update-task-board').reply(config => {\n const updatedTask = JSON.parse(config.data).data\n\n const task = data.tasks.find(i => i.id === Number(updatedTask.taskId))\n\n task.boardId = updatedTask.newBoardId\n\n return [200, data.tasks]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Adds Task\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/kanban/add-task').reply(config => {\n const task = JSON.parse(config.data).data\n\n const { length } = data.tasks\n\n let lastIndex = 0\n\n if (length) {\n lastIndex = data.tasks[length - 1].id\n }\n\n task.id = lastIndex + 1\n\n const newTask = {\n ...task,\n labels: [],\n attachments: [],\n dueDate: dayAfterTomorrow,\n comments: [],\n assignedTo: []\n }\n\n data.tasks.push(newTask)\n\n return [200, { newTask }]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Adds Board\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/kanban/add-board').reply(config => {\n const board = JSON.parse(config.data).data\n data.boards.push(board)\n\n return [200, { board }]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Update Task\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/kanban/update-task').reply(config => {\n const taskData = JSON.parse(config.data).data\n const task = data.tasks.find(task => task.id === taskData.id)\n Object.assign(task, taskData)\n\n return [200, { task }]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// Delete: Deletes Boards\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onDelete('/apps/kanban/delete-board').reply(config => {\n const Id = config.data\n\n const filteredBoards = data.boards.filter(b => b.id !== Id)\n const filteredTasks = data.tasks.filter(t => t.boardId !== Id)\n\n data.tasks = filteredTasks\n data.boards = filteredBoards\n\n return [200]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// Delete: Clears Tasks\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onDelete('/apps/kanban/clear-tasks').reply(config => {\n const Id = config.data\n const filteredTasks = data.tasks.filter(t => t.boardId !== Id)\n data.tasks = filteredTasks\n\n return [200]\n})\n","// ** Returns paginated array\nexport const paginateArray = (array, perPage, page) => array.slice((page - 1) * perPage, page * perPage)\n\n// ** Returns sorted array\nexport const sortCompare = key => (a, b) => {\n const fieldA = a[key]\n const fieldB = b[key]\n\n let comparison = 0\n if (fieldA > fieldB) {\n comparison = 1\n } else if (fieldA < fieldB) {\n comparison = -1\n }\n return comparison\n}\n\n// ** Returns number range\nexport const getRandomInt = (min, max) => {\n if (min > max) {\n const temp = max\n /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */\n max = min\n min = temp\n /* eslint-enable */\n }\n\n if (min <= 0) {\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + Math.abs(min) + 1)) + min\n }\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * max) + min\n}\n\n// ** Returns random date\nexport const randomDate = (start, end) => {\n const diff = end.getTime() - start.getTime()\n const newDiff = diff * Math.random()\n const date = new Date(start.getTime() + newDiff)\n return date\n}\n","import mock from '../mock'\n\n// ** Utils\nimport { paginateArray } from '../utils'\n\nconst data = {\n invoices: [\n {\n id: 4987,\n issuedDate: '13 Dec 2019',\n client: {\n address: '7777 Mendez Plains',\n company: 'Hall-Robbins PLC',\n companyEmail: 'don85@johnson.com',\n country: 'USA',\n contact: '(616) 865-4180',\n name: 'Jordan Stevenson'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 3428,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: '$724',\n dueDate: '23 Apr 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 4988,\n issuedDate: '17 Jul 2019',\n client: {\n address: '04033 Wesley Wall Apt. 961',\n company: 'Mccann LLC and Sons',\n companyEmail: 'brenda49@taylor.info',\n country: 'Haiti',\n contact: '(226) 204-8287',\n name: 'Stephanie Burns'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 5219,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/10-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Downloaded',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '15 Dec 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 4989,\n issuedDate: '19 Oct 2019',\n client: {\n address: '5345 Robert Squares',\n company: 'Leonard-Garcia and Sons',\n companyEmail: 'smithtiffany@powers.com',\n country: 'Denmark',\n contact: '(955) 676-1076',\n name: 'Tony Herrera'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 3719,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '03 Nov 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 4990,\n issuedDate: '06 Mar 2020',\n client: {\n address: '19022 Clark Parks Suite 149',\n company: 'Smith, Miller and Henry LLC',\n companyEmail: 'mejiageorge@lee-perez.com',\n country: 'Cambodia',\n contact: '(832) 323-6914',\n name: 'Kevin Patton'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 4749,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Sent',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '11 Feb 2020'\n },\n {\n id: 4991,\n issuedDate: '08 Feb 2020',\n client: {\n address: '8534 Saunders Hill Apt. 583',\n company: 'Garcia-Cameron and Sons',\n companyEmail: 'brandon07@pierce.com',\n country: 'Martinique',\n contact: '(970) 982-3353',\n name: 'Mrs. Julie Donovan MD'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 4056,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/10-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Draft',\n balance: '$815',\n dueDate: '30 Jun 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 4992,\n issuedDate: '26 Aug 2019',\n client: {\n address: '661 Perez Run Apt. 778',\n company: 'Burnett-Young PLC',\n companyEmail: 'guerrerobrandy@beasley-harper.com',\n country: 'Botswana',\n contact: '(511) 938-9617',\n name: 'Amanda Phillips'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 2771,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '24 Jun 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 4993,\n issuedDate: '17 Sep 2019',\n client: {\n address: '074 Long Union',\n company: 'Wilson-Lee LLC',\n companyEmail: 'williamshenry@moon-smith.com',\n country: 'Montserrat',\n contact: '(504) 859-2893',\n name: 'Christina Collier'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 2713,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Draft',\n balance: '$407',\n dueDate: '22 Nov 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 4994,\n issuedDate: '11 Feb 2020',\n client: {\n address: '5225 Ford Cape Apt. 840',\n company: 'Schwartz, Henry and Rhodes Group',\n companyEmail: 'margaretharvey@russell-murray.com',\n country: 'Oman',\n contact: '(758) 403-7718',\n name: 'David Flores'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 4309,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: '-$205',\n dueDate: '10 Feb 2020'\n },\n {\n id: 4995,\n issuedDate: '26 Jan 2020',\n client: {\n address: '23717 James Club Suite 277',\n company: 'Henderson-Holder PLC',\n companyEmail: 'dianarodriguez@villegas.com',\n country: 'Cambodia',\n contact: '(292) 873-8254',\n name: 'Valerie Perez'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 3367,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/2-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Downloaded',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '24 Dec 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 4996,\n issuedDate: '15 Jan 2020',\n client: {\n address: '4528 Myers Gateway',\n company: 'Page-Wise PLC',\n companyEmail: 'bwilson@norris-brock.com',\n country: 'Guam',\n contact: '(956) 803-2008',\n name: 'Susan Dickerson'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 4776,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Downloaded',\n balance: '$305',\n dueDate: '02 Jun 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 4997,\n issuedDate: '27 Sep 2019',\n client: {\n address: '4234 Mills Club Suite 107',\n company: 'Turner PLC Inc',\n companyEmail: 'markcampbell@bell.info',\n country: 'United States Virgin Islands',\n contact: '(716) 962-8635',\n name: 'Kelly Smith'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 3789,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/4-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: '$666',\n dueDate: '18 Mar 2020'\n },\n {\n id: 4998,\n issuedDate: '31 Jul 2019',\n client: {\n address: '476 Keith Meadow',\n company: 'Levine-Dorsey PLC',\n companyEmail: 'mary61@rosario.com',\n country: 'Syrian Arab Republic',\n contact: '(523) 449-0782',\n name: 'Jamie Jones'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 5200,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/5-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '17 Jan 2020'\n },\n {\n id: 4999,\n issuedDate: '14 Feb 2020',\n client: {\n address: '56381 Ashley Village Apt. 332',\n company: 'Hall, Thompson and Ramirez LLC',\n companyEmail: 'sean22@cook.com',\n country: 'Ukraine',\n contact: '(583) 470-8356',\n name: 'Ruben Garcia'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 4558,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/7-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '01 Oct 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5000,\n issuedDate: '21 May 2019',\n client: {\n address: '6946 Gregory Plaza Apt. 310',\n company: 'Lambert-Thomas Group',\n companyEmail: 'mccoymatthew@lopez-jenkins.net',\n country: 'Vanuatu',\n contact: '(366) 906-6467',\n name: 'Ryan Meyer'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 3503,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '22 May 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5001,\n issuedDate: '30 Jun 2019',\n client: {\n address: '64351 Andrew Lights',\n company: 'Gregory-Haynes PLC',\n companyEmail: 'novakshannon@mccarty-murillo.com',\n country: 'Romania',\n contact: '(320) 616-3915',\n name: 'Valerie Valdez'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 5285,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/2-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: '-$202',\n dueDate: '02 Aug 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5002,\n issuedDate: '21 Jun 2019',\n client: {\n address: '5702 Sarah Heights',\n company: 'Wright-Schmidt LLC',\n companyEmail: 'smithrachel@davis-rose.net',\n country: 'Costa Rica',\n contact: '(435) 899-1963',\n name: 'Melissa Wheeler'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 3668,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/6-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Downloaded',\n balance: '$731',\n dueDate: '15 Dec 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5003,\n issuedDate: '30 Dec 2019',\n client: {\n address: '668 Robert Flats',\n company: 'Russell-Abbott Ltd',\n companyEmail: 'scott96@mejia.net',\n country: 'Congo',\n contact: '(254) 399-4728',\n name: 'Alan Jimenez'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 4372,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Sent',\n balance: '-$344',\n dueDate: '17 Sep 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5004,\n issuedDate: '27 May 2019',\n client: {\n address: '55642 Chang Extensions Suite 373',\n company: 'Williams LLC Inc',\n companyEmail: 'cramirez@ross-bass.biz',\n country: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',\n contact: '(648) 500-4338',\n name: 'Jennifer Morris'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 3198,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/7-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: '-$253',\n dueDate: '16 Aug 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5005,\n issuedDate: '30 Jul 2019',\n client: {\n address: '56694 Eric Orchard',\n company: 'Hudson, Bell and Phillips PLC',\n companyEmail: 'arielberg@wolfe-smith.com',\n country: 'Uruguay',\n contact: '(896) 544-3796',\n name: 'Timothy Stevenson'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 5293,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Past Due',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '01 Aug 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5006,\n issuedDate: '10 Jun 2019',\n client: {\n address: '3727 Emma Island Suite 879',\n company: 'Berry, Gonzalez and Heath Inc',\n companyEmail: 'yrobinson@nichols.com',\n country: 'Israel',\n contact: '(236) 784-5142',\n name: 'Erik Hayden'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 5612,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/6-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Downloaded',\n balance: '$883',\n dueDate: '12 Apr 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5007,\n issuedDate: '01 Feb 2020',\n client: {\n address: '953 Miller Common Suite 580',\n company: 'Martinez, Fuller and Chavez and Sons',\n companyEmail: 'tatejennifer@allen.net',\n country: 'Cook Islands',\n contact: '(436) 717-2419',\n name: 'Katherine Kennedy'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 2230,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Sent',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '19 Nov 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5008,\n issuedDate: '22 Mar 2020',\n client: {\n address: '808 Sullivan Street Apt. 135',\n company: 'Wilson and Sons LLC',\n companyEmail: 'gdurham@lee.com',\n country: 'Nepal',\n contact: '(489) 946-3041',\n name: 'Monica Fuller'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 2032,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/8-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '30 Nov 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5009,\n issuedDate: '30 Nov 2019',\n client: {\n address: '25135 Christopher Creek',\n company: 'Hawkins, Johnston and Mcguire PLC',\n companyEmail: 'jenny96@lawrence-thompson.com',\n country: 'Kiribati',\n contact: '(274) 246-3725',\n name: 'Stacey Carter'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 3128,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/3-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '10 Sep 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5010,\n issuedDate: '06 Jan 2020',\n client: {\n address: '81285 Rebecca Estates Suite 046',\n company: 'Huynh-Mills and Sons',\n companyEmail: 'jgutierrez@jackson.com',\n country: 'Swaziland',\n contact: '(258) 211-5970',\n name: 'Chad Davis'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 2060,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/2-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Downloaded',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '08 Dec 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5011,\n issuedDate: '01 Jun 2019',\n client: {\n address: '3102 Briggs Dale Suite 118',\n company: 'Jones-Cooley and Sons',\n companyEmail: 'hunter14@jones.com',\n country: 'Congo',\n contact: '(593) 965-4100',\n name: 'Chris Reyes'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 4077,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Draft',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '01 Feb 2020'\n },\n {\n id: 5012,\n issuedDate: '30 Oct 2019',\n client: {\n address: '811 Jill Skyway',\n company: 'Jones PLC Ltd',\n companyEmail: 'pricetodd@johnson-jenkins.com',\n country: 'Brazil',\n contact: '(585) 829-2603',\n name: 'Laurie Summers'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 2872,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/4-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '18 Oct 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5013,\n issuedDate: '05 Feb 2020',\n client: {\n address: '2223 Brandon Inlet Suite 597',\n company: 'Jordan, Gomez and Ross Group',\n companyEmail: 'perrydavid@chapman-rogers.com',\n country: 'Congo',\n contact: '(527) 351-5517',\n name: 'Lindsay Wilson'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 3740,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/10-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Draft',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '01 Nov 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5014,\n issuedDate: '01 Dec 2019',\n client: {\n address: '08724 Barry Causeway',\n company: 'Gonzalez, Moody and Glover LLC',\n companyEmail: 'leahgriffin@carpenter.com',\n country: 'Equatorial Guinea',\n contact: '(628) 903-0132',\n name: 'Jenna Castro'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 3623,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Downloaded',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '23 Sep 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5015,\n issuedDate: '16 Apr 2019',\n client: {\n address: '073 Holt Ramp Apt. 755',\n company: 'Ashley-Pacheco Ltd',\n companyEmail: 'esparzadaniel@allen.com',\n country: 'Seychelles',\n contact: '(847) 396-9904',\n name: 'Wendy Weber'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 2477,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/7-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Draft',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '01 Apr 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5016,\n issuedDate: '24 Jan 2020',\n client: {\n address: '984 Sherry Trail Apt. 953',\n company: 'Berry PLC Group',\n companyEmail: 'todd34@owens-morgan.com',\n country: 'Ireland',\n contact: '(852) 249-4539',\n name: 'April Yates'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 3904,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: '$951',\n dueDate: '30 Sep 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5017,\n issuedDate: '24 Feb 2020',\n client: {\n address: '093 Jonathan Camp Suite 953',\n company: 'Allen Group Ltd',\n companyEmail: 'roydavid@bailey.com',\n country: 'Netherlands',\n contact: '(917) 984-2232',\n name: 'Daniel Marshall PhD'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 3102,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: '-$153',\n dueDate: '25 Aug 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5018,\n issuedDate: '29 Feb 2020',\n client: {\n address: '4735 Kristie Islands Apt. 259',\n company: 'Chapman-Schneider LLC',\n companyEmail: 'baldwinjoel@washington.com',\n country: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',\n contact: '(670) 409-3703',\n name: 'Randy Rich'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 2483,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/5-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Draft',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '10 Jul 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5019,\n issuedDate: '07 Aug 2019',\n client: {\n address: '92218 Andrew Radial',\n company: 'Mcclure, Hernandez and Simon Ltd',\n companyEmail: 'psmith@morris.info',\n country: 'Macao',\n contact: '(646) 263-0257',\n name: 'Mrs. Jodi Chapman'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 2825,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/8-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: '-$459',\n dueDate: '14 Oct 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5020,\n issuedDate: '10 May 2019',\n client: {\n address: '2342 Michelle Valley',\n company: 'Hamilton PLC and Sons',\n companyEmail: 'lori06@morse.com',\n country: 'Somalia',\n contact: '(751) 213-4288',\n name: 'Steven Myers'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 2029,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/4-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Past Due',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '28 Mar 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5021,\n issuedDate: '02 Apr 2019',\n client: {\n address: '16039 Brittany Terrace Apt. 128',\n company: 'Silva-Reeves LLC',\n companyEmail: 'zpearson@miller.com',\n country: 'Slovakia (Slovak Republic)',\n contact: '(655) 649-7872',\n name: 'Charles Alexander'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 3208,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Sent',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '06 Sep 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5022,\n issuedDate: '02 May 2019',\n client: {\n address: '37856 Olsen Lakes Apt. 852',\n company: 'Solis LLC Ltd',\n companyEmail: 'strongpenny@young.net',\n country: 'Brazil',\n contact: '(402) 935-0735',\n name: 'Elizabeth Jones'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 3077,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Sent',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '09 May 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5023,\n issuedDate: '23 Mar 2020',\n client: {\n address: '11489 Griffin Plaza Apt. 927',\n company: 'Munoz-Peters and Sons',\n companyEmail: 'carrietorres@acosta.com',\n country: 'Argentina',\n contact: '(915) 448-6271',\n name: 'Heidi Walton'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 5578,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Draft',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '23 Jul 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5024,\n issuedDate: '28 Sep 2019',\n client: {\n address: '276 Michael Gardens Apt. 004',\n company: 'Shea, Velez and Garcia LLC',\n companyEmail: 'zjohnson@nichols-powers.com',\n country: 'Philippines',\n contact: '(817) 700-2984',\n name: 'Christopher Allen'\n },\n service: 'Software Development',\n total: 2787,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '25 Sep 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5025,\n issuedDate: '21 Feb 2020',\n client: {\n address: '633 Bell Well Apt. 057',\n company: 'Adams, Simmons and Brown Group',\n companyEmail: 'kayla09@thomas.com',\n country: 'Martinique',\n contact: '(266) 611-9482',\n name: 'Joseph Oliver'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 5591,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Downloaded',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '07 Jun 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5026,\n issuedDate: '24 May 2019',\n client: {\n address: '1068 Lopez Fall',\n company: 'Williams-Lawrence and Sons',\n companyEmail: 'melvindavis@allen.info',\n country: 'Mexico',\n contact: '(739) 745-9728',\n name: 'Megan Roberts'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 2783,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/6-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Draft',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '22 Oct 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5027,\n issuedDate: '13 Jan 2020',\n client: {\n address: '86691 Mackenzie Light Suite 568',\n company: 'Deleon Inc LLC',\n companyEmail: 'gjordan@fernandez-coleman.com',\n country: 'Costa Rica',\n contact: '(682) 804-6506',\n name: 'Mary Garcia'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 2719,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Sent',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '04 Feb 2020'\n },\n {\n id: 5028,\n issuedDate: '18 May 2019',\n client: {\n address: '86580 Sarah Bridge',\n company: 'Farmer, Johnson and Anderson Group',\n companyEmail: 'robertscott@garcia.com',\n country: 'Cameroon',\n contact: '(775) 366-0411',\n name: 'Crystal Mays'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 3325,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: '$361',\n dueDate: '02 Mar 2020'\n },\n {\n id: 5029,\n issuedDate: '29 Oct 2019',\n client: {\n address: '49709 Edwin Ports Apt. 353',\n company: 'Sherman-Johnson PLC',\n companyEmail: 'desiree61@kelly.com',\n country: 'Macedonia',\n contact: '(510) 536-6029',\n name: 'Nicholas Tanner'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 3851,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '25 Aug 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5030,\n issuedDate: '07 Apr 2019',\n client: {\n address: '3856 Mathis Squares Apt. 584',\n company: 'Byrd LLC PLC',\n companyEmail: 'jeffrey25@martinez-hodge.com',\n country: 'Congo',\n contact: '(253) 230-4657',\n name: 'Mr. Justin Richardson'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 5565,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Draft',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '06 Mar 2020'\n },\n {\n id: 5031,\n issuedDate: '21 Aug 2019',\n client: {\n address: '141 Adrian Ridge Suite 550',\n company: 'Stone-Zimmerman Group',\n companyEmail: 'john77@anderson.net',\n country: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',\n contact: '(612) 546-3485',\n name: 'Jennifer Summers'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 3313,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/3-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '09 Jun 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5032,\n issuedDate: '31 May 2019',\n client: {\n address: '01871 Kristy Square',\n company: 'Yang, Hansen and Hart PLC',\n companyEmail: 'ywagner@jones.com',\n country: 'Germany',\n contact: '(203) 601-8603',\n name: 'Richard Payne'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 5181,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Past Due',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '22 Oct 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5033,\n issuedDate: '12 Jul 2019',\n client: {\n address: '075 Smith Views',\n company: 'Jenkins-Rosales Inc',\n companyEmail: 'calvin07@joseph-edwards.org',\n country: 'Colombia',\n contact: '(895) 401-4255',\n name: 'Lori Wells'\n },\n service: 'Template Customization',\n total: 2869,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '22 Mar 2020'\n },\n {\n id: 5034,\n issuedDate: '10 Jul 2019',\n client: {\n address: '2577 Pearson Overpass Apt. 314',\n company: 'Mason-Reed PLC',\n companyEmail: 'eric47@george-castillo.com',\n country: 'Paraguay',\n contact: '(602) 336-9806',\n name: 'Tammy Sanchez'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 4836,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: 0,\n dueDate: '22 Oct 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5035,\n issuedDate: '20 Jul 2019',\n client: {\n address: '1770 Sandra Mountains Suite 636',\n company: 'Foster-Pham PLC',\n companyEmail: 'jamesjoel@chapman.net',\n country: 'Western Sahara',\n contact: '(936) 550-1638',\n name: 'Dana Carey'\n },\n service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',\n total: 4263,\n avatar: '',\n invoiceStatus: 'Draft',\n balance: '$762',\n dueDate: '12 Jun 2019'\n },\n {\n id: 5036,\n issuedDate: '19 Apr 2019',\n client: {\n address: '78083 Laura Pines',\n company: 'Richardson and Sons LLC',\n companyEmail: 'pwillis@cross.org',\n country: 'Bhutan',\n contact: '(687) 660-2473',\n name: 'Andrew Burns'\n },\n service: 'Unlimited Extended License',\n total: 3171,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9-small.png').default,\n invoiceStatus: 'Paid',\n balance: '-$205',\n dueDate: '25 Sep 2019'\n }\n ]\n}\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Return Invoice List\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/apps/invoice/invoices').reply(config => {\n // eslint-disable-next-line object-curly-newline\n const { q = '', perPage = 10, page = 1, status = null, sort, sortColumn } = config\n /* eslint-enable */\n\n const dataAsc = data.invoices.sort((a, b) => {\n if (a[sortColumn]) {\n return a[sortColumn] < b[sortColumn] ? -1 : 1\n } else {\n const splitColumn = sortColumn.split('.')\n const columnA = a[splitColumn[0]][splitColumn[1]]\n const columnB = b[splitColumn[0]][splitColumn[1]]\n return columnA < columnB ? -1 : 1\n }\n })\n\n const dataToFilter = sort === 'asc' ? dataAsc : dataAsc.reverse()\n\n const queryLowered = q.toLowerCase()\n const filteredData = dataToFilter.filter(invoice => {\n if (String('paid').includes(queryLowered) && invoice.balance === 0) {\n return invoice.balance === 0\n } else {\n /* eslint-disable operator-linebreak, implicit-arrow-linebreak */\n return (\n (invoice.client.companyEmail.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n invoice.client.name.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n String(invoice.id).toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n String(invoice.total).toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n String(invoice.balance).toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n invoice.dueDate.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered)) &&\n invoice.invoiceStatus.toLowerCase() === (status.toLowerCase() || invoice.invoiceStatus.toLowerCase())\n )\n }\n })\n /* eslint-enable */\n\n return [\n 200,\n {\n allData: data.invoices,\n total: filteredData.length,\n invoices: filteredData.length <= perPage ? filteredData : paginateArray(filteredData, perPage, page)\n }\n ]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Return Single Invoice\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet(/\\/api\\/invoice\\/invoices\\/\\d+/).reply(config => {\n // // Get event id from URL\n const invoiceId = Number(config.url.substring(config.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1))\n\n const invoiceIndex = data.invoices.findIndex(e => e.id === invoiceId)\n const responseData = {\n invoice: data.invoices[invoiceIndex],\n paymentDetails: {\n totalDue: '$12,110.55',\n bankName: 'American Bank',\n country: 'United States',\n iban: 'ETD95476213874685',\n swiftCode: 'BR91905'\n }\n }\n return [200, responseData]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// DELETE: Deletes Invoice\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onDelete('/apps/invoice/delete').reply(config => {\n // Get invoice id from URL\n let invoiceId = config.id\n\n // Convert Id to number\n invoiceId = Number(invoiceId)\n\n const invoiceIndex = data.invoices.findIndex(t => t.id === invoiceId)\n data.invoices.splice(invoiceIndex, 1)\n\n return [200]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Return Clients\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/api/invoice/clients').reply(() => {\n const clients = data.invoices.map(invoice => invoice.client)\n return [200, clients.slice(0, 5)]\n})\n","/*eslint-disable */\nimport mock from '../mock'\n\nconst date = new Date()\nconst prevDay = new Date().getDate() - 1\nconst nextDay = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)\n\n// prettier-ignore\nconst nextMonth = date.getMonth() === 11 ? new Date(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1) : new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 1)\n// prettier-ignore\nconst prevMonth = date.getMonth() === 11 ? new Date(date.getFullYear() - 1, 0, 1) : new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() - 1, 1)\n\nconst data = {\n events: [\n {\n id: 1,\n url: '',\n title: 'Design Review',\n start: date,\n end: nextDay,\n allDay: false,\n extendedProps: {\n calendar: 'Business'\n }\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n url: '',\n title: 'Meeting With Client',\n start: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -11),\n end: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -10),\n allDay: true,\n extendedProps: {\n calendar: 'Business'\n }\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n url: '',\n title: 'Family Trip',\n allDay: true,\n start: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -9),\n end: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -7),\n extendedProps: {\n calendar: 'Holiday'\n }\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n url: '',\n title: \"Doctor's Appointment\",\n start: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -11),\n end: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -10),\n allDay: true,\n extendedProps: {\n calendar: 'Personal'\n }\n },\n {\n id: 5,\n url: '',\n title: 'Dart Game?',\n start: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -13),\n end: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -12),\n allDay: true,\n extendedProps: {\n calendar: 'ETC'\n }\n },\n {\n id: 6,\n url: '',\n title: 'Meditation',\n start: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -13),\n end: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -12),\n allDay: true,\n extendedProps: {\n calendar: 'Personal'\n }\n },\n {\n id: 7,\n url: '',\n title: 'Dinner',\n start: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -13),\n end: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -12),\n allDay: true,\n extendedProps: {\n calendar: 'Family'\n }\n },\n {\n id: 8,\n url: '',\n title: 'Product Review',\n start: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -13),\n end: new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, -12),\n allDay: true,\n extendedProps: {\n calendar: 'Business'\n }\n },\n {\n id: 9,\n url: '',\n title: 'Monthly Meeting',\n start: nextMonth,\n end: nextMonth,\n allDay: true,\n extendedProps: {\n calendar: 'Business'\n }\n },\n {\n id: 10,\n url: '',\n title: 'Monthly Checkup',\n start: prevMonth,\n end: prevMonth,\n allDay: true,\n extendedProps: {\n calendar: 'Personal'\n }\n }\n ]\n}\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Return calendar events\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/apps/calendar/events').reply(config => {\n // Get requested calendars as Array\n const calendars = config.calendars\n\n return [200, data.events.filter(event => calendars.includes(event.extendedProps.calendar))]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Add new event\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/calendar/add-event').reply(config => {\n // Get event from post data\n const { event } = JSON.parse(config.data)\n\n const { length } = data.events\n let lastIndex = 0\n if (length) {\n lastIndex = data.events[length - 1].id\n }\n event.id = lastIndex + 1\n\n data.events.push(event)\n\n return [201, { event }]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Update Event\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/calendar/update-event').reply(config => {\n const { event: eventData } = JSON.parse(config.data)\n\n // Convert Id to number\n eventData.id = Number(eventData.id)\n\n const event = data.events.find(ev => ev.id === Number(eventData.id))\n Object.assign(event, eventData)\n\n return [200, { event }]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// DELETE: Remove Event\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onDelete('/apps/calendar/remove-event').reply(config => {\n // Get event id from URL\n let { id } = config\n\n // Convert Id to number\n const eventId = Number(id)\n\n const eventIndex = data.events.findIndex(ev => ev.id === eventId)\n data.events.splice(eventIndex, 1)\n return [200]\n})\n","import mock from '../mock'\n\n// ** Utils\nimport { paginateArray } from '../utils'\n\nconst data = {\n users: [\n {\n id: 1,\n billing: 'Manual - Credit Card',\n fullName: 'Galen Slixby',\n company: 'Yotz PVT LTD',\n role: 'editor',\n username: 'gslixby0',\n country: 'El Salvador',\n contact: '(479) 232-9151',\n email: 'gslixby0@abc.net.au',\n currentPlan: 'enterprise',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-primary'\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Halsey Redmore',\n company: 'Skinder PVT LTD',\n role: 'author',\n username: 'hredmore1',\n country: 'Albania',\n contact: '(472) 607-9137',\n email: 'hredmore1@imgur.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/10.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Marjory Sicely',\n company: 'Oozz PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'msicely2',\n country: 'Russia',\n contact: '(321) 264-4599',\n email: 'msicely2@who.int',\n currentPlan: 'enterprise',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n billing: 'Manual - Credit Card',\n fullName: 'Cyrill Risby',\n company: 'Oozz PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'crisby3',\n country: 'China',\n contact: '(923) 690-6806',\n email: 'crisby3@wordpress.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 5,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Maggy Hurran',\n company: 'Aimbo PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'mhurran4',\n country: 'Pakistan',\n contact: '(669) 914-1078',\n email: 'mhurran4@yahoo.co.jp',\n currentPlan: 'enterprise',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/10.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 6,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Silvain Halstead',\n company: 'Jaxbean PVT LTD',\n role: 'author',\n username: 'shalstead5',\n country: 'China',\n contact: '(958) 973-3093',\n email: 'shalstead5@shinystat.com',\n currentPlan: 'company',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-success'\n },\n {\n id: 7,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Breena Gallemore',\n company: 'Jazzy PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'bgallemore6',\n country: 'Canada',\n contact: '(825) 977-8152',\n email: 'bgallemore6@boston.com',\n currentPlan: 'company',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-danger'\n },\n {\n id: 8,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Kathryne Liger',\n company: 'Pixoboo PVT LTD',\n role: 'author',\n username: 'kliger7',\n country: 'France',\n contact: '(187) 440-0934',\n email: 'kliger7@vinaora.com',\n currentPlan: 'enterprise',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 9,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Franz Scotfurth',\n company: 'Tekfly PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'fscotfurth8',\n country: 'China',\n contact: '(978) 146-5443',\n email: 'fscotfurth8@dailymotion.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/2.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 10,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Jillene Bellany',\n company: 'Gigashots PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'jbellany9',\n country: 'Jamaica',\n contact: '(589) 284-6732',\n email: 'jbellany9@kickstarter.com',\n currentPlan: 'company',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 11,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Jonah Wharlton',\n company: 'Eare PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'jwharltona',\n country: 'United States',\n contact: '(176) 532-6824',\n email: 'jwharltona@oakley.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/4.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 12,\n billing: 'Manual - Credit Card',\n fullName: 'Seth Hallam',\n company: 'Yakitri PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'shallamb',\n country: 'Peru',\n contact: '(234) 464-0600',\n email: 'shallamb@hugedomains.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/5.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 13,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Yoko Pottie',\n company: 'Leenti PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'ypottiec',\n country: 'Philippines',\n contact: '(907) 284-5083',\n email: 'ypottiec@privacy.gov.au',\n currentPlan: 'basic',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/7.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 14,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Maximilianus Krause',\n company: 'Digitube PVT LTD',\n role: 'author',\n username: 'mkraused',\n country: 'Democratic Republic of the Congo',\n contact: '(167) 135-7392',\n email: 'mkraused@stanford.edu',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 15,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Zsazsa McCleverty',\n company: 'Kaymbo PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'zmcclevertye',\n country: 'France',\n contact: '(317) 409-6565',\n email: 'zmcclevertye@soundcloud.com',\n currentPlan: 'enterprise',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/2.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 16,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Bentlee Emblin',\n company: 'Yambee PVT LTD',\n role: 'author',\n username: 'bemblinf',\n country: 'Spain',\n contact: '(590) 606-1056',\n email: 'bemblinf@wired.com',\n currentPlan: 'company',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/6.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 17,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Brockie Myles',\n company: 'Wikivu PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'bmylesg',\n country: 'Poland',\n contact: '(553) 225-9905',\n email: 'bmylesg@amazon.com',\n currentPlan: 'basic',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-warning'\n },\n {\n id: 18,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Bertha Biner',\n company: 'Twinte PVT LTD',\n role: 'editor',\n username: 'bbinerh',\n country: 'Yemen',\n contact: '(901) 916-9287',\n email: 'bbinerh@mozilla.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/7.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 19,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Travus Bruntjen',\n company: 'Cogidoo PVT LTD',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'tbruntjeni',\n country: 'France',\n contact: '(524) 586-6057',\n email: 'tbruntjeni@sitemeter.com',\n currentPlan: 'enterprise',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-info'\n },\n {\n id: 20,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Wesley Burland',\n company: 'Bubblemix PVT LTD',\n role: 'editor',\n username: 'wburlandj',\n country: 'Honduras',\n contact: '(569) 683-1292',\n email: 'wburlandj@uiuc.edu',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/6.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 21,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Selina Kyle',\n company: 'Wayne Enterprises',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'catwomen1940',\n country: 'USA',\n contact: '(829) 537-0057',\n email: 'irena.dubrovna@wayne.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 22,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Jameson Lyster',\n company: 'Quaxo PVT LTD',\n role: 'editor',\n username: 'jlysterl',\n country: 'Ukraine',\n contact: '(593) 624-0222',\n email: 'jlysterl@guardian.co.uk',\n currentPlan: 'company',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/8.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 23,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Kare Skitterel',\n company: 'Ainyx PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'kskitterelm',\n country: 'Poland',\n contact: '(254) 845-4107',\n email: 'kskitterelm@washingtonpost.com',\n currentPlan: 'basic',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/3.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 24,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Cleavland Hatherleigh',\n company: 'Flipopia PVT LTD',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'chatherleighn',\n country: 'Brazil',\n contact: '(700) 783-7498',\n email: 'chatherleighn@washington.edu',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/2.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 25,\n billing: 'Manual - Credit Card',\n fullName: 'Adeline Micco',\n company: 'Topicware PVT LTD',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'amiccoo',\n country: 'France',\n contact: '(227) 598-1841',\n email: 'amiccoo@whitehouse.gov',\n currentPlan: 'enterprise',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-primary'\n },\n {\n id: 26,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Hugh Hasson',\n company: 'Skinix PVT LTD',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'hhassonp',\n country: 'China',\n contact: '(582) 516-1324',\n email: 'hhassonp@bizjournals.com',\n currentPlan: 'basic',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/4.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 27,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Germain Jacombs',\n company: 'Youopia PVT LTD',\n role: 'editor',\n username: 'gjacombsq',\n country: 'Zambia',\n contact: '(137) 467-5393',\n email: 'gjacombsq@jigsy.com',\n currentPlan: 'enterprise',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/10.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 28,\n billing: 'Manual - Credit Card',\n fullName: 'Bree Kilday',\n company: 'Jetpulse PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'bkildayr',\n country: 'Portugal',\n contact: '(412) 476-0854',\n email: 'bkildayr@mashable.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-success'\n },\n {\n id: 29,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Candice Pinyon',\n company: 'Kare PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'cpinyons',\n country: 'Sweden',\n contact: '(170) 683-1520',\n email: 'cpinyons@behance.net',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/7.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 30,\n billing: 'Manual - Credit Card',\n fullName: 'Isabel Mallindine',\n company: 'Voomm PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'imallindinet',\n country: 'Slovenia',\n contact: '(332) 803-1983',\n email: 'imallindinet@shinystat.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-warning'\n },\n {\n id: 31,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Gwendolyn Meineken',\n company: 'Oyondu PVT LTD',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'gmeinekenu',\n country: 'Moldova',\n contact: '(551) 379-7460',\n email: 'gmeinekenu@hc360.com',\n currentPlan: 'basic',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 32,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Rafaellle Snowball',\n company: 'Fivespan PVT LTD',\n role: 'editor',\n username: 'rsnowballv',\n country: 'Philippines',\n contact: '(974) 829-0911',\n email: 'rsnowballv@indiegogo.com',\n currentPlan: 'basic',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/5.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 33,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Rochette Emer',\n company: 'Thoughtworks PVT LTD',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'remerw',\n country: 'North Korea',\n contact: '(841) 889-3339',\n email: 'remerw@blogtalkradio.com',\n currentPlan: 'basic',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/8.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 34,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Ophelie Fibbens',\n company: 'Jaxbean PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'ofibbensx',\n country: 'Indonesia',\n contact: '(764) 885-7351',\n email: 'ofibbensx@booking.com',\n currentPlan: 'company',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/4.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 35,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Stephen MacGilfoyle',\n company: 'Browseblab PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'smacgilfoyley',\n country: 'Japan',\n contact: '(350) 589-8520',\n email: 'smacgilfoyley@bigcartel.com',\n currentPlan: 'company',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-danger'\n },\n {\n id: 36,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Bradan Rosebotham',\n company: 'Agivu PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'brosebothamz',\n country: 'Belarus',\n contact: '(882) 933-2180',\n email: 'brosebothamz@tripadvisor.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-info'\n },\n {\n id: 37,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Skip Hebblethwaite',\n company: 'Katz PVT LTD',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'shebblethwaite10',\n country: 'Canada',\n contact: '(610) 343-1024',\n email: 'shebblethwaite10@arizona.edu',\n currentPlan: 'company',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 38,\n billing: 'Manual - Credit Card',\n fullName: 'Moritz Piccard',\n company: 'Twitternation PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'mpiccard11',\n country: 'Croatia',\n contact: '(365) 277-2986',\n email: 'mpiccard11@vimeo.com',\n currentPlan: 'enterprise',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 39,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Tyne Widmore',\n company: 'Yombu PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'twidmore12',\n country: 'Finland',\n contact: '(531) 731-0928',\n email: 'twidmore12@bravesites.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-primary'\n },\n {\n id: 40,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Florenza Desporte',\n company: 'Kamba PVT LTD',\n role: 'author',\n username: 'fdesporte13',\n country: 'Ukraine',\n contact: '(312) 104-2638',\n email: 'fdesporte13@omniture.com',\n currentPlan: 'company',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/6.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 41,\n billing: 'Manual - Credit Card',\n fullName: 'Edwina Baldetti',\n company: 'Dazzlesphere PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'ebaldetti14',\n country: 'Haiti',\n contact: '(315) 329-3578',\n email: 'ebaldetti14@theguardian.com',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-success'\n },\n {\n id: 42,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Benedetto Rossiter',\n company: 'Mybuzz PVT LTD',\n role: 'editor',\n username: 'brossiter15',\n country: 'Indonesia',\n contact: '(323) 175-6741',\n email: 'brossiter15@craigslist.org',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-danger'\n },\n {\n id: 43,\n billing: 'Manual - Credit Card',\n fullName: 'Micaela McNirlan',\n company: 'Tambee PVT LTD',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'mmcnirlan16',\n country: 'Indonesia',\n contact: '(242) 952-0916',\n email: 'mmcnirlan16@hc360.com',\n currentPlan: 'basic',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-warning'\n },\n {\n id: 44,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Vladamir Koschek',\n company: 'Centimia PVT LTD',\n role: 'author',\n username: 'vkoschek17',\n country: 'Guatemala',\n contact: '(531) 758-8335',\n email: 'vkoschek17@abc.net.au',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-info'\n },\n {\n id: 45,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Corrie Perot',\n company: 'Flipopia PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'cperot18',\n country: 'China',\n contact: '(659) 385-6808',\n email: 'cperot18@goo.ne.jp',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/3.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 46,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Saunder Offner',\n company: 'Skalith PVT LTD',\n role: 'maintainer',\n username: 'soffner19',\n country: 'Poland',\n contact: '(200) 586-2264',\n email: 'soffner19@mac.com',\n currentPlan: 'enterprise',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-primary'\n },\n {\n id: 47,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Karena Courtliff',\n company: 'Feedfire PVT LTD',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'kcourtliff1a',\n country: 'China',\n contact: '(478) 199-0020',\n email: 'kcourtliff1a@bbc.co.uk',\n currentPlan: 'basic',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1.png').default\n },\n {\n id: 48,\n billing: 'Manual - Paypal',\n fullName: 'Onfre Wind',\n company: 'Thoughtmix PVT LTD',\n role: 'admin',\n username: 'owind1b',\n country: 'Ukraine',\n contact: '(344) 262-7270',\n email: 'owind1b@yandex.ru',\n currentPlan: 'basic',\n status: 'pending',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-success'\n },\n {\n id: 49,\n billing: 'Manual - Cash',\n fullName: 'Paulie Durber',\n company: 'Babbleblab PVT LTD',\n role: 'subscriber',\n username: 'pdurber1c',\n country: 'Sweden',\n contact: '(694) 676-1275',\n email: 'pdurber1c@gov.uk',\n currentPlan: 'team',\n status: 'inactive',\n avatar: '',\n avatarColor: 'light-danger'\n },\n {\n id: 50,\n billing: 'Auto Debit',\n fullName: 'Beverlie Krabbe',\n company: 'Kaymbo PVT LTD',\n role: 'editor',\n username: 'bkrabbe1d',\n country: 'China',\n contact: '(397) 294-5153',\n email: 'bkrabbe1d@home.pl',\n currentPlan: 'company',\n status: 'active',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/9.png').default\n }\n ]\n}\n\n// GET ALL DATA\nmock.onGet('/api/users/list/all-data').reply(200, data.users)\n\n// POST: Add new user\nmock.onPost('/apps/users/add-user').reply(config => {\n // Get event from post data\n const user = JSON.parse(config.data)\n const highestValue = data.users.reduce((a, b) => (a.id > b.id ? a : b)).id\n\n user.id = highestValue + 1\n\n data.users.push(user)\n\n return [201, { user }]\n})\n\n// GET Updated DATA\nmock.onGet('/api/users/list/data').reply(config => {\n const {\n q = '',\n page = 1,\n role = null,\n perPage = 10,\n sort = 'asc',\n status = null,\n currentPlan = null,\n sortColumn = 'fullName'\n } = config\n\n /* eslint-disable */\n const queryLowered = q.toLowerCase()\n\n const dataAsc = data.users.sort((a, b) => (a[sortColumn] < b[sortColumn] ? -1 : 1))\n\n const dataToFilter = sort === 'asc' ? dataAsc : dataAsc.reverse()\n\n const filteredData = dataToFilter.filter(\n user =>\n (user.email.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n user.fullName.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n user.billing.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered)) &&\n user.role === (role || user.role) &&\n user.currentPlan === (currentPlan || user.currentPlan) &&\n user.status === (status || user.status)\n )\n /* eslint-enable */\n\n return [\n 200,\n {\n total: filteredData.length,\n users: paginateArray(filteredData, perPage, page)\n }\n ]\n})\n\n// GET USER\nmock.onGet('/api/users/user').reply(config => {\n const { id } = config\n const user = data.users.find(i => i.id === id)\n return [200, { user }]\n})\n\n// DELETE: Deletes User\nmock.onDelete('/apps/users/delete').reply(config => {\n // Get user id from URL\n let userId = config.id\n\n // Convert Id to number\n userId = Number(userId)\n\n const userIndex = data.users.findIndex(t => t.id === userId)\n data.users.splice(userIndex, 1)\n\n return [200]\n})\n","import mock from '../mock'\nconst data = {\n profileData: {\n header: {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-2.jpg').default,\n username: 'Kitty Allanson',\n designation: 'UI/UX Designer',\n coverImg: require('@src/assets/images/profile/user-uploads/timeline.jpg').default\n },\n userAbout: {\n about: 'Tart I love sugar plum I love oat cake. Sweet ⭐️ roll caramels I love jujubes. Topping cake wafer.',\n joined: 'November 15, 2015',\n lives: 'New York, USA',\n email: 'bucketful@fiendhead.org',\n website: 'www.pixinvent.com'\n },\n suggestedPages: [\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/12-small.png').default,\n username: 'Peter Reed',\n subtitle: 'Company',\n favorite: false\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1-small.png').default,\n username: 'Harriett Adkins',\n subtitle: 'Company',\n favorite: false\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/10-small.png').default,\n username: 'Juan Weaver',\n subtitle: 'Company',\n favorite: false\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/3-small.png').default,\n username: 'Claudia Chandler',\n subtitle: 'Company',\n favorite: false\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/5-small.png').default,\n username: 'Earl Briggs',\n subtitle: 'Company',\n favorite: true\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/6-small.png').default,\n username: 'Jonathan Lyons',\n subtitle: 'Beauty Store',\n favorite: false\n }\n ],\n twitterFeeds: [\n {\n imgUrl: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/5-small.png').default,\n title: 'Gertrude Stevens',\n id: 'tiana59 ',\n tags: '#design #fasion',\n desc: 'I love cookie chupa chups sweet tart apple pie ⭐️ chocolate bar.',\n favorite: false\n },\n {\n imgUrl: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/12-small.png').default,\n title: 'Lura Jones',\n id: 'tiana59 ',\n tags: '#vuejs #code #coffeez',\n desc: 'Halvah I love powder jelly I love cheesecake cotton candy. 😍',\n favorite: true\n },\n {\n imgUrl: require('@src/assets/images/avatars/1-small.png').default,\n title: 'Norman Gross',\n id: 'tiana59 ',\n tags: '#sketch #uiux #figma',\n desc: 'Candy jelly beans powder brownie biscuit. Jelly marzipan oat cake cake.',\n favorite: false\n }\n ],\n post: [\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-18.jpg').default,\n username: 'Leeanna Alvord',\n postTime: '12 Dec 2018 at 1:16 AM',\n postText:\n 'Wonderful Machine· A well-written bio allows viewers to get to know a photographer beyond the work. This can make the difference when presenting to clients who are looking for the perfect fit.',\n postImg: require('@src/assets/images/profile/post-media/2.jpg').default,\n likes: '1.25k',\n youLiked: true,\n comments: '1.25k',\n share: '1.25k',\n likedUsers: [\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-1.jpg').default,\n username: 'Trine Lynes'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-2.jpg').default,\n username: 'Lilian Nenes'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default,\n username: 'Alberto Glotzbach'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-5.jpg').default,\n username: 'George Nordic'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-4.jpg').default,\n username: 'Vinnie Mostowy'\n }\n ],\n likedCount: 140,\n detailedComments: [\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-6.jpg').default,\n username: 'Kitty Allanson',\n comment: 'Easy & smart fuzzy search🕵🏻 functionality which enables users to search quickly.',\n commentsLikes: 34,\n youLiked: false\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-8.jpg').default,\n username: 'Jackey Potter',\n comment: 'Unlimited color🖌 options allows you to set your application color as per your branding 🤪.',\n commentsLikes: 61,\n youLiked: true\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-22.jpg').default,\n username: 'Rosa Walters',\n postTime: '11 Dec 2019 at 1:16 AM',\n postText:\n 'Wonderful Machine· A well-written bio allows viewers to get to know a photographer beyond the work. This can make the difference when presenting to clients who are looking for the perfect fit.',\n postImg: require('@src/assets/images/profile/post-media/25.jpg').default,\n likes: '1.25k',\n youLiked: true,\n comments: '1.25k',\n share: '1.25k',\n likedUsers: [\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-1.jpg').default,\n username: 'Kori Scargle'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-2.jpg').default,\n username: 'Florinda Mollison'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default,\n username: 'Beltran Endley'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-5.jpg').default,\n username: 'Kara Gerred'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-4.jpg').default,\n username: 'Sophey Bru'\n }\n ],\n likedCount: 271,\n detailedComments: [\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default,\n username: 'Kitty Allanson',\n comment: 'Easy & smart fuzzy search🕵🏻 functionality which enables users to search quickly.',\n commentsLikes: 34,\n youLiked: false\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-15.jpg').default,\n username: 'Charles Watson',\n postTime: '12 Dec 2019 at 1:16 AM',\n postText:\n 'Wonderful Machine· A well-written bio allows viewers to get to know a photographer beyond the work. This can make the difference when presenting to clients who are looking for the perfect fit.',\n postVid: 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/6stlCkUDG_s',\n likes: '1.25k',\n youLiked: true,\n comments: '1.25k',\n share: '1.25k',\n likedUsers: [\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-1.jpg').default,\n username: 'Dehlia Bolderson'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-2.jpg').default,\n username: 'De Lamy'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default,\n username: 'Vallie Kingsley'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-5.jpg').default,\n username: 'Nadia Armell'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-4.jpg').default,\n username: 'Romonda Aseef'\n }\n ],\n likedCount: 264,\n detailedComments: [\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default,\n username: 'Kitty Allanson',\n comment: 'Easy & smart fuzzy search🕵🏻 functionality which enables users to search quickly.',\n commentsLikes: 34,\n youLiked: false\n }\n ]\n }\n ],\n latestPhotos: [\n { img: require('@src/assets/images/profile/user-uploads/user-13.jpg').default },\n { img: require('@src/assets/images/profile/user-uploads/user-02.jpg').default },\n { img: require('@src/assets/images/profile/user-uploads/user-03.jpg').default },\n { img: require('@src/assets/images/profile/user-uploads/user-04.jpg').default },\n { img: require('@src/assets/images/profile/user-uploads/user-05.jpg').default },\n { img: require('@src/assets/images/profile/user-uploads/user-06.jpg').default },\n { img: require('@src/assets/images/profile/user-uploads/user-07.jpg').default },\n { img: require('@src/assets/images/profile/user-uploads/user-08.jpg').default },\n { img: require('@src/assets/images/profile/user-uploads/user-09.jpg').default }\n ],\n suggestions: [\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-9.jpg').default,\n name: 'Peter Reed',\n mutualFriend: '6 Mutual Friends'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-6.jpg').default,\n name: 'Harriett Adkins',\n mutualFriend: '3 Mutual Friends'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-7.jpg').default,\n name: 'Juan Weaver',\n mutualFriend: '1 Mutual Friends'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-8.jpg').default,\n name: 'Claudia Chandler',\n mutualFriend: '16 Mutual Friends'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-1.jpg').default,\n name: 'Earl Briggs',\n mutualFriend: '4 Mutual Friends'\n },\n {\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-10.jpg').default,\n name: 'Jonathan Lyons',\n mutualFriend: '25 Mutual Friends'\n }\n ],\n polls: [\n {\n name: 'RDJ',\n result: '82%',\n votedUser: [\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-12.jpg').default,\n username: 'Tonia Seabold'\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-5.jpg').default,\n username: 'Carissa Dolle'\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-9.jpg').default,\n username: 'Kelle Herrick'\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-10.jpg').default,\n username: 'Len Bregantini'\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-11.jpg').default,\n username: 'John Doe'\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n name: 'Chris Hemsworth',\n result: '67%',\n votedUser: [\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-9.jpg').default,\n username: 'Diana Prince'\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-1.jpg').default,\n username: 'Lois Lane'\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-8.jpg').default,\n username: 'Bruce Wayne'\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n }\n}\n\nmock.onGet('/profile/data').reply(() => [200, data.profileData])\n","import mock from '../mock'\n/* eslint-disable */\n// ** Utils\nimport { paginateArray, sortCompare, randomDate, getRandomInt } from '../utils'\n\nconst nextDay = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)\nconst nextWeek = new Date(nextDay.getTime() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)\n\nconst data = {\n products: [\n {\n id: 21,\n name: '24 Hrs V - Sodium',\n slug: 'google-google-home-white-slate-fabric-21',\n brand: 'Mikay',\n price: 1129.29,\n image: require('@src/assets/images/pages/eCommerce/0.png').default,\n hasFreeShipping: true,\n rating: 4,\n description: `Simplify your everyday life with the Google Home, a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant. Use\n voice commands to enjoy music, get answers from Google and manage everyday tasks. Google Home is compatible with\n Android and iOS operating systems, and can control compatible smart devices such as Chromecast or Nest.`\n },\n {\n id: 22,\n name: '24hr Urine VMA- Hi-Pre',\n slug: 'switch-pro-controller-22',\n brand: 'Miguel',\n price: 2429.99,\n image: require('@src/assets/images/pages/eCommerce/0.png').default,\n hasFreeShipping: false,\n rating: 3,\n description: `The Nintendo Switch Pro Controller is one of the priciest \"baseline\" controllers in the current console\n generation, but it's also sturdy, feels good to play with, has an excellent direction pad, and features\n impressive motion sensors and vibration systems. On top of all of that, it uses Bluetooth, so you don't need an\n adapter to use it with your PC.`\n },\n {\n id: 23,\n name: '2-D Echo (Doppler) - Adult',\n slug: 'apple-mac-book-air-latest-model-13-3-display-silver-23',\n brand: 'Honey',\n price: 3999.99,\n image: require('@src/assets/images/pages/eCommerce/0.png').default,\n hasFreeShipping: false,\n rating: 4,\n description: `MacBook Air is a thin, lightweight laptop from Apple. MacBook Air features up to 8GB of memory, a\n fifth-generation Intel Core processor, Thunderbolt 2, great built-in apps, and all-day battery life.1 Its thin,\n light, and durable enough to take everywhere you go-and powerful enough to do everything once you get there,\n better.`\n },\n {\n id: 24,\n name: '(LS) Lumbosacral AP/L',\n slug: 'one-odio-a71-wired-headphones-24',\n brand: 'Vince',\n price: 1249.99,\n image: require('@src/assets/images/pages/eCommerce/0.png').default,\n hasFreeShipping: true,\n rating: 3,\n description: `Omnidirectional detachable boom mic upgrades the headphones into a professional headset for gaming, business,\n podcasting and taking calls on the go. Better pick up your voice. Control most electric devices through voice\n activation, or schedule a ride with Uber and order a pizza. OneOdio A71 Wired Headphones voice-controlled device\n turns any home into a smart device on a smartphone or tablet.`\n },\n {\n id: 25,\n name: '17 OHP',\n slug: 'apple-i-mac-27-inch-25',\n brand: 'Janmarie',\n price: 1999.99,\n image: require('@src/assets/images/pages/eCommerce/0.png').default,\n hasFreeShipping: true,\n rating: 4,\n description: `The all-in-one for all. If you can dream it, you can do it on iMac. It’s beautifully & incredibly intuitive and\n packed with tools that let you take any idea to the next level. And the new 27-inch model elevates the\n experience in way, with faster processors and graphics, expanded memory and storage, enhanced audio and video\n capabilities, and an even more stunning Retina 5K display. It’s the desktop that does it all — better and faster\n than ever.`\n },\n {\n id: 26,\n name: '2-D Echo Plain',\n slug: 'apple-i-phone-11-64-gb-black-26',\n brand: 'Dave',\n price: 669.99,\n image: require('@src/assets/images/pages/eCommerce/0.png').default,\n hasFreeShipping: true,\n rating: 5,\n description: `The Apple iPhone 11 is a great smartphone, which was loaded with a lot of quality features. It comes with a\n waterproof and dustproof body which is the key attraction of the device. The excellent set of cameras offer\n excellent images as well as capable of recording crisp videos. However, expandable storage and a fingerprint\n scanner would have made it a perfect option to go for around this price range.`\n },\n {\n id: 27,\n name: '(LS) Lumbosacral Series',\n slug: 'apple-watch-series-5-27',\n brand: 'Tito',\n price: 339.99,\n image: require('@src/assets/images/pages/eCommerce/0.png').default,\n hasFreeShipping: true,\n rating: 4,\n description: `On Retina display that never sleeps, so it’s easy to see the time and other important information, without\n raising or tapping the display. New location features, from a built-in compass to current elevation, help users\n better navigate their day, while international emergency calling1 allows customers to call emergency services\n directly from Apple Watch in over 150 countries, even without iPhone nearby. Apple Watch Series 5 is available\n in a wider range of materials, including aluminium, stainless steel, ceramic and an all-new titanium.`\n }\n ],\n userWishlist: [\n { id: 1, productId: 26 },\n { id: 2, productId: 23 }\n ],\n userCart: [\n { id: 1, productId: 27, qty: 1 },\n { id: 2, productId: 21, qty: 1 },\n { id: 3, productId: 26, qty: 1 },\n { id: 4, productId: 25, qty: 1 }\n ]\n}\n/* eslint-enable */\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Return products\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/apps/ecommerce/products').reply(config => {\n // eslint-disable-next-line object-curly-newline\n const { q = '', sortBy = 'featured', perPage = 9, page = 1 } = config.params\n\n const queryLowered = q.toLowerCase()\n\n const filteredData = data.products.filter(product => product.name.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered))\n\n let sortDesc = false\n const sortByKey = (() => {\n if (sortBy === 'price-desc') {\n sortDesc = true\n return 'price'\n }\n if (sortBy === 'price-asc') {\n return 'price'\n }\n sortDesc = true\n return 'id'\n })()\n\n const sortedData = filteredData.sort(sortCompare(sortByKey))\n if (sortDesc) sortedData.reverse()\n\n const paginatedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(paginateArray(sortedData, perPage, page)))\n\n paginatedData.forEach(product => {\n /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */\n product.isInWishlist = data.userWishlist.findIndex(p => p.productId === product.id) > -1\n product.isInCart = data.userCart.findIndex(p => p.productId === product.id) > -1\n /* eslint-enable */\n })\n\n return [\n 200,\n {\n products: paginatedData,\n total: filteredData.length,\n userWishlist: data.userWishlist,\n userCart: data.userCart\n }\n ]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Return Single Product\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet(/\\/apps\\/ecommerce\\/products\\/\\d+/).reply(config => {\n // Get product id from URL\n let productId = config.url.substring(config.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)\n\n // Convert Id to number\n productId = Number(productId)\n\n const productIndex = data.products.findIndex(p => p.id === productId)\n const product = data.products[productIndex]\n\n if (product) {\n // Add data of wishlist and cart\n product.isInWishlist = data.userWishlist.findIndex(p => p.productId === product.id) > -1\n product.isInCart = data.userCart.findIndex(p => p.productId === product.id) > -1\n\n // * Add Dummy data for details page\n product.colorOptions = ['primary', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'info']\n\n return [200, { product }]\n }\n return [404]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Return Wishlist Products\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/apps/ecommerce/wishlist').reply(() => {\n const products = data.userWishlist.map(wishlistProduct => {\n const product = data.products.find(p => p.id === wishlistProduct.productId)\n product.isInCart = data.userCart.findIndex(p => p.productId === wishlistProduct.productId) > -1\n return product\n })\n\n return [200, { products }]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// GET: Return Cart Products\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onGet('/apps/ecommerce/cart').reply(() => {\n const products = data.userCart.map(cartProduct => {\n const product = data.products.find(p => p.id === cartProduct.productId)\n\n // Other data\n product.isInWishlist = data.userWishlist.findIndex(p => p.productId === cartProduct.productId) > -1\n product.qty = cartProduct.qty\n product.shippingDate = randomDate(nextDay, nextWeek)\n product.offers = getRandomInt(1, 4)\n product.discountPercentage = getRandomInt(3, 20)\n\n return product\n })\n\n return [200, { products }]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Add Item in user Cart\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/ecommerce/cart').reply(config => {\n // Get product from post data\n const { productId } = JSON.parse(config.data)\n\n const { length } = data.userCart\n let lastId = 0\n if (length) lastId = data.userCart[length - 1].i\n\n data.userCart.push({\n id: lastId + 1,\n productId,\n qty: 1\n })\n\n return [201]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// DELETE: Remove Item from user Cart\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onDelete(/\\/apps\\/ecommerce\\/cart\\/\\d+/).reply(config => {\n // Get product id from URL\n let productId = config.url.substring(config.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)\n\n // Convert Id to number\n productId = Number(productId)\n\n const productIndex = data.userCart.findIndex(i => i.productId === productId)\n if (productIndex > -1) data.userCart.splice(productIndex, 1)\n\n return [200]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// POST: Add Item in user Wishlist\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onPost('/apps/ecommerce/wishlist').reply(config => {\n // Get product from post data\n const { productId } = JSON.parse(config.data)\n\n const { length } = data.userWishlist\n let lastId = 0\n if (length) lastId = data.userWishlist[length - 1].i\n\n data.userWishlist.push({\n id: lastId + 1,\n productId: Number(productId)\n })\n\n return [201]\n})\n\n// ------------------------------------------------\n// DELETE: Remove Item from user Wishlist\n// ------------------------------------------------\nmock.onDelete(/\\/apps\\/ecommerce\\/wishlist\\/\\d+/).reply(config => {\n // Get product id from URL\n let productId = config.url.substring(config.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)\n\n // Convert Id to number\n productId = Number(productId)\n\n const productIndex = data.userWishlist.findIndex(i => i.productId === productId)\n if (productIndex > -1) data.userWishlist.splice(productIndex, 1)\n\n return [200]\n})\n","import mock from '../mock'\n\nconst data = {\n // blog list\n blogList: [\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/slider/02.jpg').default,\n title: 'The Best Features Coming to iOS and Web design',\n id: 1,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-7.jpg').default,\n userFullName: 'Ghani Pradita',\n blogPosted: 'Jan 10, 2020',\n tags: ['Quote', 'Fashion'],\n excerpt: 'Donut fruitcake soufflé apple pie candy canes jujubes croissant chocolate bar ice cream.',\n comment: 76\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/slider/06.jpg').default,\n title: 'Latest Quirky Opening Sentence or Paragraph',\n id: 2,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-9.jpg').default,\n userFullName: 'Jorge Griffin',\n blogPosted: 'Jan 10, 2020',\n tags: ['Gaming', 'Video'],\n excerpt: 'Apple pie caramels lemon drops halvah liquorice carrot cake. Tiramisu brownie lemon drops.',\n comment: 2100\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/slider/04.jpg').default,\n title: 'Share an Amazing and Shocking Fact or Statistic',\n id: 3,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default,\n userFullName: 'Claudia Neal',\n blogPosted: 'Jan 10, 2020',\n tags: ['Gaming', 'Food'],\n excerpt: 'Tiramisu jelly-o chupa chups tootsie roll donut wafer marshmallow cheesecake topping.',\n comment: 243\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/slider/03.jpg').default,\n title: 'Withhold a Compelling Piece of Information',\n id: 4,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-14.jpg').default,\n userFullName: 'Fred Boone',\n blogPosted: 'Jan 10, 2020',\n tags: ['Video'],\n excerpt: 'Croissant apple pie lollipop gingerbread. Cookie jujubes chocolate cake icing cheesecake.',\n comment: 10\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/slider/09.jpg').default,\n title: 'Unadvertised Bonus Opening: Share a Quote',\n id: 5,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-13.jpg').default,\n userFullName: 'Billy French',\n blogPosted: 'Jan 10, 2020',\n tags: ['Quote', 'Fashion'],\n excerpt: 'Muffin liquorice candy soufflé bear claw apple pie icing halvah. Pie marshmallow jelly.',\n comment: 319\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/slider/10.jpg').default,\n title: 'Ships at a distance have Every Man’s Wish on Board',\n id: 6,\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-13.jpg').default,\n userFullName: 'Helena Hunt',\n blogPosted: 'Jan 10, 2020',\n tags: ['Fashion', 'Video'],\n excerpt: 'A little personality goes a long way, especially on a business blog. So don’t be afraid to let loose.',\n comment: 1500\n }\n ],\n\n // sidebar\n blogSidebar: {\n recentPosts: [\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/banner/banner-22.jpg').default,\n title: 'Why Should Forget Facebook?',\n id: 7,\n createdTime: 'Jan 14 2020'\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/banner/banner-27.jpg').default,\n title: 'Publish your passions, your way',\n id: 8,\n createdTime: 'Mar 04 2020'\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/banner/banner-39.jpg').default,\n title: 'The Best Ways to Retain More',\n id: 9,\n createdTime: 'Feb 18 2020'\n },\n {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/banner/banner-35.jpg').default,\n title: 'Share a Shocking Fact or Statistic',\n id: 10,\n createdTime: 'Oct 08 2020'\n }\n ],\n categories: [\n { category: 'Fashion', icon: 'Watch' },\n { category: 'Food', icon: 'ShoppingCart' },\n { category: 'Gaming', icon: 'Command' },\n { category: 'Quote', icon: 'Hash' },\n { category: 'Video', icon: 'Video' }\n ]\n },\n\n // detail\n blogDetail: {\n blog: {\n img: require('@src/assets/images/banner/banner-12.jpg').default,\n title: 'The Best Features Coming to iOS and Web design',\n avatar: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-7.jpg').default,\n userFullName: 'Ghani Pradita',\n createdTime: 'Jan 10, 2020',\n tags: ['Gaming', 'Video'],\n content:\n 'Before you get into the nitty-gritty of coming up with a perfect title, start with a rough draft: your working title. What is that, exactly? A lot of people confuse working titles with topics. Let\\'s clear that Topics are very general and could yield several different blog posts. Think \"raising healthy kids,\" or \"kitchen storage.\" A writer might look at either of those topics and choose to take them in very, very different directions.A working title, on the other hand, is very specific and guides the creation of a single blog post. For example, from the topic \"raising healthy kids,\" you could derive the following working title See how different and specific each of those is? That\\'s what makes them working titles, instead of overarching topics.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet dessert donut candy chocolate bar cotton dessert candy chocolate. Candy muffin danish. Macaroon brownie jelly beans marzipan cheesecake oat cake. Carrot cake macaroon chocolate cake. Jelly brownie jelly. Marzipan pie sweet roll.
Liquorice dragée cake chupa chups pie cotton candy jujubes bear claw sesame snaps. Fruitcake chupa chups chocolate bonbon lemon drops croissant caramels lemon drops. Candy jelly cake marshmallow jelly beans dragée macaroon. Gummies sugar plum fruitcake. Candy canes candy cupcake caramels cotton candy jujubes fruitcake.
',\n featuredImage: require('@src/assets/images/slider/03.jpg').default\n }\n}\n\nmock.onGet('/blog/list/data').reply(() => [200, data.blogList])\nmock.onGet('/blog/list/data/sidebar').reply(() => [200, data.blogSidebar])\nmock.onGet('/blog/list/data/detail').reply(() => [200, data.blogDetail])\nmock.onGet('/blog/list/data/edit').reply(() => [200, data.blogEdit])\n","import mock from '../mock'\n\n// ** Utils\nimport { paginateArray } from '../utils'\n\nconst data = [\n {\n id: 1,\n full_name: 'Jaron Austria',\n doctor_name: 'Doc Miguel',\n date_posted: '09/23/2016',\n date_schedule: '10/1/2016',\n payment: '8896.35',\n payment_status: 'paid',\n kind: 'Teleconsultation',\n time: '8:00 am',\n service: 'Chest X-ray',\n result: 'SAMPLE',\n status: 1\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n full_name: 'Mikay Manalo',\n doctor_name: 'Doc Miguel',\n date_posted: '09/23/2016',\n date_schedule: '10/1/2016',\n payment: '9496.35',\n payment_status: 'paid',\n kind: 'In-Person Consulation',\n time: '8:00 am',\n service: 'Chest X-ray',\n status: 1\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n full_name: 'Janmarie Butangen',\n doctor_name: 'Doc Miguel',\n date_posted: '09/23/2016',\n date_schedule: '10/1/2016',\n payment: '7896.35',\n payment_status: 'unpaid',\n kind: 'In-Person Consulation',\n time: '8:00 am',\n service: 'Teleconsultation',\n status: 3\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n full_name: 'Dave Robless',\n doctor_name: 'Doc Miguel',\n date_posted: '09/23/2016',\n date_schedule: '10/1/2016',\n payment: '3896.35',\n payment_status: 'unpaid',\n kind: 'Teleconsultation',\n time: '8:00 am',\n service: 'In-Person Consulation',\n status: 2\n }\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 2,\n // avatar: '1.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Bailie Coulman',\n // post: 'VP Quality Control',\n // email: 'bcoulman1@yolasite.com',\n // city: 'Hinigaran',\n // start_date: '05/20/2018',\n // salary: '$13633.69',\n // age: '63',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 3,\n // avatar: '9.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Stella Ganderton',\n // post: 'Operator',\n // email: 'sganderton2@tuttocitta.it',\n // city: 'Golcowa',\n // start_date: '03/24/2018',\n // salary: '$13076.28',\n // age: '66',\n // experience: '6 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 4,\n // avatar: '10.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Dorolice Crossman',\n // post: 'Cost Accountant',\n // email: 'dcrossman3@google.co.jp',\n // city: 'Paquera',\n // start_date: '12/03/2017',\n // salary: '$12336.17',\n // age: '22',\n // experience: '2 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 5,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Harmonia Nisius',\n // post: 'Senior Cost Accountant',\n // email: 'hnisius4@gnu.org',\n // city: 'Lucan',\n // start_date: '08/25/2017',\n // salary: '$10909.52',\n // age: '33',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 6,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Genevra Honeywood',\n // post: 'Geologist',\n // email: 'ghoneywood5@narod.ru',\n // city: 'Maofan',\n // start_date: '06/01/2017',\n // salary: '$17803.80',\n // age: '61',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 7,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Eileen Diehn',\n // post: 'Environmental Specialist',\n // email: 'ediehn6@163.com',\n // city: 'Lampuyang',\n // start_date: '10/15/2017',\n // salary: '$18991.67',\n // age: '59',\n // experience: '9 Years',\n // status: 2\n // }\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 8,\n // avatar: '9.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Richardo Aldren',\n // post: 'Senior Sales Associate',\n // email: 'raldren7@mtv.com',\n // city: 'Skoghall',\n // start_date: '11/05/2016',\n // salary: '$19230.13',\n // age: '55',\n // experience: '5 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 9,\n // avatar: '2.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Allyson Moakler',\n // post: 'Safety Technician',\n // email: 'amoakler8@shareasale.com',\n // city: 'Mogilany',\n // start_date: '12/29/2018',\n // salary: '$11677.32',\n // age: '39',\n // experience: '9 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 10,\n // avatar: '9.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Merline Penhalewick',\n // post: 'Junior Executive',\n // email: 'mpenhalewick9@php.net',\n // city: 'Kanuma',\n // start_date: '04/19/2019',\n // salary: '$15939.52',\n // age: '23',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 11,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'De Falloon',\n // post: 'Sales Representative',\n // email: 'dfalloona@ifeng.com',\n // city: 'Colima',\n // start_date: '06/12/2018',\n // salary: '$19252.12',\n // age: '30',\n // experience: '0 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 12,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Cyrus Gornal',\n // post: 'Senior Sales Associate',\n // email: 'cgornalb@fda.gov',\n // city: 'Boro Utara',\n // start_date: '12/09/2017',\n // salary: '$16745.47',\n // age: '22',\n // experience: '2 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 13,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Tallou Balf',\n // post: 'Staff Accountant',\n // email: 'tbalfc@sina.com.cn',\n // city: 'Siliana',\n // start_date: '01/21/2016',\n // salary: '$15488.53',\n // age: '36',\n // experience: '6 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 14,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Othilia Extill',\n // post: 'Associate Professor',\n // email: 'oextilld@theatlantic.com',\n // city: 'Brzyska',\n // start_date: '02/01/2016',\n // salary: '$18442.34',\n // age: '43',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 15,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Wilmar Bourton',\n // post: 'Administrative Assistant',\n // email: 'wbourtone@sakura.ne.jp',\n // city: 'Bích Động',\n // start_date: '04/25/2018',\n // salary: '$13304.45',\n // age: '19',\n // experience: '9 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 16,\n // avatar: '4.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Robinson Brazenor',\n // post: 'General Manager',\n // email: 'rbrazenorf@symantec.com',\n // city: 'Gendiwu',\n // start_date: '12/23/2017',\n // salary: '$11953.08',\n // age: '66',\n // experience: '6 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 17,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Nadia Bettenson',\n // post: 'Environmental Tech',\n // email: 'nbettensong@joomla.org',\n // city: 'Chabařovice',\n // start_date: '07/11/2018',\n // salary: '$20484.44',\n // age: '64',\n // experience: '4 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 18,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Titus Hayne',\n // post: 'Web Designer',\n // email: 'thayneh@kickstarter.com',\n // city: 'Yangon',\n // start_date: '05/25/2019',\n // salary: '$16871.48',\n // age: '59',\n // experience: '9 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 19,\n // avatar: '5.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Roxie Huck',\n // post: 'Administrative Assistant',\n // email: 'rhucki@ed.gov',\n // city: 'Polýkastro',\n // start_date: '04/04/2019',\n // salary: '$19653.56',\n // age: '41',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 20,\n // avatar: '7.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Latashia Lewtey',\n // post: 'Actuary',\n // email: 'llewteyj@sun.com',\n // city: 'Hougong',\n // start_date: '08/03/2017',\n // salary: '$18303.87',\n // age: '35',\n // experience: '5 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 21,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Natalina Tyne',\n // post: 'Software Engineer',\n // email: 'ntynek@merriam-webster.com',\n // city: 'Yanguan',\n // start_date: '03/16/2019',\n // salary: '$15256.40',\n // age: '30',\n // experience: '0 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 22,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Faun Josefsen',\n // post: 'Analog Circuit Design manager',\n // email: 'fjosefsenl@samsung.com',\n // city: 'Wengyang',\n // start_date: '07/08/2017',\n // salary: '$11209.16',\n // age: '40',\n // experience: '0 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 23,\n // avatar: '9.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Rosmunda Steed',\n // post: 'Assistant Media Planner',\n // email: 'rsteedm@xing.com',\n // city: 'Manzanares',\n // start_date: '12/23/2017',\n // salary: '$13778.34',\n // age: '21',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 24,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Scott Jiran',\n // post: 'Graphic Designer',\n // email: 'sjirann@simplemachines.org',\n // city: 'Pinglin',\n // start_date: '05/26/2016',\n // salary: '$23081.71',\n // age: '23',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 25,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Carmita Medling',\n // post: 'Accountant',\n // email: 'cmedlingo@hp.com',\n // city: 'Bourges',\n // start_date: '07/31/2019',\n // salary: '$13602.24',\n // age: '47',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 26,\n // avatar: '2.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Morgen Benes',\n // post: 'Senior Sales Associate',\n // email: 'mbenesp@ted.com',\n // city: 'Cà Mau',\n // start_date: '04/10/2016',\n // salary: '$16969.63',\n // age: '42',\n // experience: '2 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 27,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Onfroi Doughton',\n // post: 'Civil Engineer',\n // email: 'odoughtonq@aboutads.info',\n // city: 'Utrecht (stad)',\n // start_date: '09/29/2018',\n // salary: '$23796.62',\n // age: '28',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 28,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Kliment McGinney',\n // post: 'Chief Design Engineer',\n // email: 'kmcginneyr@paginegialle.it',\n // city: 'Xiaocheng',\n // start_date: '07/09/2018',\n // salary: '$24027.81',\n // age: '28',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 29,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Devin Bridgland',\n // post: 'Tax Accountant',\n // email: 'dbridglands@odnoklassniki.ru',\n // city: 'Baoli',\n // start_date: '07/17/2016',\n // salary: '$13508.15',\n // age: '48',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 30,\n // avatar: '6.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Gilbert McFade',\n // post: 'Biostatistician',\n // email: 'gmcfadet@irs.gov',\n // city: 'Deje',\n // start_date: '08/28/2018',\n // salary: '$21632.30',\n // age: '20',\n // experience: '0 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 31,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Teressa Bleakman',\n // post: 'Senior Editor',\n // email: 'tbleakmanu@phpbb.com',\n // city: 'Žebrák',\n // start_date: '09/03/2016',\n // salary: '$24875.41',\n // age: '37',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 32,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Marcelia Alleburton',\n // post: 'Safety Technician',\n // email: 'malleburtonv@amazon.com',\n // city: 'Basail',\n // start_date: '06/02/2016',\n // salary: '$23888.98',\n // age: '53',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 33,\n // avatar: '7.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Aili De Coursey',\n // post: 'Environmental Specialist',\n // email: 'adew@etsy.com',\n // city: 'Łazy',\n // start_date: '09/30/2016',\n // salary: '$14082.44',\n // age: '27',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 34,\n // avatar: '6.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Charlton Chatres',\n // post: 'Analyst Programmer',\n // email: 'cchatresx@goo.gl',\n // city: 'Reguengos de Monsaraz',\n // start_date: '04/07/2016',\n // salary: '$21386.52',\n // age: '22',\n // experience: '2 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 35,\n // avatar: '1.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Nat Hugonnet',\n // post: 'Financial Advisor',\n // email: 'nhugonnety@wufoo.com',\n // city: 'Pimentel',\n // start_date: '09/11/2019',\n // salary: '$13835.97',\n // age: '46',\n // experience: '6 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 36,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Lorine Hearsum',\n // post: 'Payment Adjustment Coordinator',\n // email: 'lhearsumz@google.co.uk',\n // city: 'Shuiying',\n // start_date: '03/05/2019',\n // salary: '$22093.91',\n // age: '47',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 37,\n // avatar: '8.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Sheila-kathryn Haborn',\n // post: 'Environmental Specialist',\n // email: 'shaborn10@about.com',\n // city: 'Lewolang',\n // start_date: '11/10/2018',\n // salary: '$24624.23',\n // age: '51',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 38,\n // avatar: '3.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Alma Harvatt',\n // post: 'Administrative Assistant',\n // email: 'aharvatt11@addtoany.com',\n // city: 'Ulundi',\n // start_date: '11/04/2016',\n // salary: '$21782.82',\n // age: '41',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 39,\n // avatar: '2.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Beatrix Longland',\n // post: 'VP Quality Control',\n // email: 'blongland12@gizmodo.com',\n // city: 'Damu',\n // start_date: '07/18/2016',\n // salary: '$22794.60',\n // age: '62',\n // experience: '2 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 40,\n // avatar: '4.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Hammad Condell',\n // post: 'Project Manager',\n // email: 'hcondell13@tiny.cc',\n // city: 'Bulung’ur',\n // start_date: '11/04/2018',\n // salary: '$10872.83',\n // age: '37',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 41,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Parker Bice',\n // post: 'Technical Writer',\n // email: 'pbice14@ameblo.jp',\n // city: 'Shanlian',\n // start_date: '03/02/2016',\n // salary: '$17471.92',\n // age: '65',\n // experience: '5 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 42,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Lowrance Orsi',\n // post: 'Biostatistician',\n // email: 'lorsi15@wp.com',\n // city: 'Dengteke',\n // start_date: '12/10/2018',\n // salary: '$24719.51',\n // age: '64',\n // experience: '4 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 43,\n // avatar: '10.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Ddene Chaplyn',\n // post: 'Environmental Tech',\n // email: 'dchaplyn16@nymag.com',\n // city: 'Lattes',\n // start_date: '01/23/2019',\n // salary: '$11958.33',\n // age: '38',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 44,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Washington Bygraves',\n // post: 'Human Resources Manager',\n // email: 'wbygraves17@howstuffworks.com',\n // city: 'Zlaté Hory',\n // start_date: '09/07/2016',\n // salary: '$10552.43',\n // age: '37',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 45,\n // avatar: '7.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Meghann Bodechon',\n // post: 'Operator',\n // email: 'mbodechon18@1und1.de',\n // city: 'Itō',\n // start_date: '07/23/2018',\n // salary: '$23024.28',\n // age: '61',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 46,\n // avatar: '1.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Moshe De Ambrosis',\n // post: 'Recruiting Manager',\n // email: 'mde19@purevolume.com',\n // city: 'San Diego',\n // start_date: '02/10/2018',\n // salary: '$10409.90',\n // age: '47',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 47,\n // avatar: '5.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Had Chatelot',\n // post: 'Cost Accountant',\n // email: 'hchatelot1a@usatoday.com',\n // city: 'Mercedes',\n // start_date: '11/23/2016',\n // salary: '$11446.30',\n // age: '64',\n // experience: '4 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 48,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Georgia McCrum',\n // post: 'Registered Nurse',\n // email: 'gmccrum1b@icio.us',\n // city: 'Nggalak',\n // start_date: '04/19/2018',\n // salary: '$14002.31',\n // age: '63',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 49,\n // avatar: '8.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Krishnah Stilldale',\n // post: 'VP Accounting',\n // email: 'kstilldale1c@chronoengine.com',\n // city: 'Slavs’ke',\n // start_date: '03/18/2017',\n // salary: '$10704.29',\n // age: '56',\n // experience: '6 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 50,\n // avatar: '4.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Mario Umbert',\n // post: 'Research Assistant',\n // email: 'mumbert1d@digg.com',\n // city: 'Chorotis',\n // start_date: '05/13/2019',\n // salary: '$21813.54',\n // age: '43',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 51,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Edvard Dixsee',\n // post: 'Graphic Designer',\n // email: 'edixsee1e@unblog.fr',\n // city: 'Rancharia',\n // start_date: '04/23/2019',\n // salary: '$18053.11',\n // age: '46',\n // experience: '6 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 52,\n // avatar: '9.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Tammie Davydoch',\n // post: 'VP Quality Control',\n // email: 'tdavydoch1f@examiner.com',\n // city: 'Mamedkala',\n // start_date: '04/19/2016',\n // salary: '$17617.08',\n // age: '47',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 53,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Benito Rodolico',\n // post: 'Safety Technician',\n // email: 'brodolico1g@sciencedirect.com',\n // city: 'Wonosobo',\n // start_date: '10/06/2018',\n // salary: '$18866.55',\n // age: '21',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 54,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Marco Pennings',\n // post: 'Compensation Analyst',\n // email: 'mpennings1h@bizjournals.com',\n // city: 'Umag',\n // start_date: '06/15/2017',\n // salary: '$13722.18',\n // age: '30',\n // experience: '0 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 55,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: \"Tommie O'Corr\",\n // post: 'Quality Engineer',\n // email: 'tocorr1i@nyu.edu',\n // city: 'Olhos de Água',\n // start_date: '09/26/2018',\n // salary: '$15228.80',\n // age: '51',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 56,\n // avatar: '1.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Cybill Poyle',\n // post: 'Cost Accountant',\n // email: 'cpoyle1j@amazon.com',\n // city: 'Hamm',\n // start_date: '01/03/2016',\n // salary: '$13951.96',\n // age: '29',\n // experience: '9 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 57,\n // avatar: '6.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Norry Stoller',\n // post: 'Human Resources Manager',\n // email: 'nstoller1k@noaa.gov',\n // city: 'Ruukki',\n // start_date: '02/04/2018',\n // salary: '$15100.00',\n // age: '27',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 58,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Wendi Somerlie',\n // post: 'Systems Administrator',\n // email: 'wsomerlie1l@accuweather.com',\n // city: 'Meicheng',\n // start_date: '04/22/2016',\n // salary: '$20023.52',\n // age: '28',\n // experience: '9 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 59,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Ferdie Georgeon',\n // post: 'Geologist',\n // email: 'fgeorgeon1m@nhs.uk',\n // city: 'Tanahbeureum',\n // start_date: '04/08/2019',\n // salary: '$12630.26',\n // age: '28',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 60,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Jules Auten',\n // post: 'Desktop Support Technician',\n // email: 'jauten1n@foxnews.com',\n // city: 'Mojo',\n // start_date: '08/13/2019',\n // salary: '$13870.62',\n // age: '48',\n // experience: '5 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 61,\n // avatar: '3.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Nichole Dacres',\n // post: 'Mechanical Systems Engineer',\n // email: 'ndacres1o@apache.org',\n // city: 'Kimanuit',\n // start_date: '11/06/2017',\n // salary: '$18220.51',\n // age: '20',\n // experience: '0 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 62,\n // avatar: '1.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Holly Edgworth',\n // post: 'Junior Executive',\n // email: 'hedgworth1p@craigslist.org',\n // city: 'Pedreira',\n // start_date: '08/05/2017',\n // salary: '$13999.88',\n // age: '37',\n // experience: '0 Year',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 63,\n // avatar: '9.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Henriette Croft',\n // post: 'Food Chemist',\n // email: 'hcroft1q@desdev.cn',\n // city: 'Taizhou',\n // start_date: '09/12/2019',\n // salary: '$11049.79',\n // age: '53',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 64,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Annetta Glozman',\n // post: 'Staff Accountant',\n // email: 'aglozman1r@storify.com',\n // city: 'Pendawanbaru',\n // start_date: '08/25/2017',\n // salary: '$10745.32',\n // age: '27',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 65,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Cletis Cervantes',\n // post: 'Health Coach',\n // email: 'ccervantes1s@de.vu',\n // city: 'Solnechnyy',\n // start_date: '05/24/2018',\n // salary: '$24769.08',\n // age: '22',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 66,\n // avatar: '9.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Christos Kiley',\n // post: 'Geologist',\n // email: 'ckiley1t@buzzfeed.com',\n // city: 'El Bolsón',\n // start_date: '02/27/2019',\n // salary: '$16053.15',\n // age: '46',\n // experience: '2 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 67,\n // avatar: '7.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Silvain Siebert',\n // post: 'VP Sales',\n // email: 'ssiebert1u@domainmarket.com',\n // city: 'Cadiz',\n // start_date: '09/23/2017',\n // salary: '$23347.17',\n // age: '47',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 68,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Sharla Ibberson',\n // post: 'Payment Adjustment Coordinator',\n // email: 'sibberson1v@virginia.edu',\n // city: 'Lamam',\n // start_date: '11/01/2016',\n // salary: '$15658.40',\n // age: '51',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 69,\n // avatar: '7.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Ripley Rentcome',\n // post: 'Physical Therapy Assistant',\n // email: 'rrentcome1w@youtu.be',\n // city: 'Dashkawka',\n // start_date: '07/15/2018',\n // salary: '$15396.66',\n // age: '41',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 70,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Chrisse Birrane',\n // post: 'Chemical Engineer',\n // email: 'cbirrane1x@google.com.br',\n // city: 'Las Toscas',\n // start_date: '05/22/2016',\n // salary: '$15823.40',\n // age: '62',\n // experience: '0 Year',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 71,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Georges Tesyro',\n // post: 'Human Resources Manager',\n // email: 'gtesyro1y@last.fm',\n // city: 'Gabao',\n // start_date: '01/27/2019',\n // salary: '$19051.25',\n // age: '37',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 72,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Bondon Hazard',\n // post: 'Geological Engineer',\n // email: 'bhazard1z@over-blog.com',\n // city: 'Llano de Piedra',\n // start_date: '01/17/2019',\n // salary: '$11632.84',\n // age: '65',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 73,\n // avatar: '5.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Aliza MacElholm',\n // post: 'VP Sales',\n // email: 'amacelholm20@printfriendly.com',\n // city: 'Sosnovyy Bor',\n // start_date: '11/17/2017',\n // salary: '$16741.31',\n // age: '64',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 74,\n // avatar: '2.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Lucas Witherdon',\n // post: 'Senior Quality Engineer',\n // email: 'lwitherdon21@storify.com',\n // city: 'Staré Křečany',\n // start_date: '09/26/2016',\n // salary: '$19387.76',\n // age: '38',\n // experience: '2 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 75,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Pegeen Peasegod',\n // post: 'Web Designer',\n // email: 'ppeasegod22@slideshare.net',\n // city: 'Keda',\n // start_date: '05/21/2016',\n // salary: '$24014.04',\n // age: '59',\n // experience: '6 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 76,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Elyn Watkinson',\n // post: 'Structural Analysis Engineer',\n // email: 'ewatkinson23@blogspot.com',\n // city: 'Osan',\n // start_date: '09/30/2016',\n // salary: '$14493.51',\n // age: '55',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 77,\n // avatar: '10.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Babb Skirving',\n // post: 'Analyst Programmer',\n // email: 'bskirving24@cbsnews.com',\n // city: 'Balky',\n // start_date: '09/27/2016',\n // salary: '$24733.28',\n // age: '39',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 78,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Shelli Ondracek',\n // post: 'Financial Advisor',\n // email: 'sondracek25@plala.or.jp',\n // city: 'Aoluguya Ewenke Minzu',\n // start_date: '03/28/2016',\n // salary: '$21922.17',\n // age: '23',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 79,\n // avatar: '9.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Stanislaw Melloy',\n // post: 'Sales Associate',\n // email: 'smelloy26@fastcompany.com',\n // city: 'Funafuti',\n // start_date: '04/13/2017',\n // salary: '$16944.42',\n // age: '30',\n // experience: '2 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 80,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Seamus Eisikovitsh',\n // post: 'Legal Assistant',\n // email: 'seisikovitsh27@usgs.gov',\n // city: 'Cangkringan',\n // start_date: '05/28/2018',\n // salary: '$21963.69',\n // age: '22',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 81,\n // avatar: '2.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Tammie Wattins',\n // post: 'Web Designer',\n // email: 'twattins28@statcounter.com',\n // city: 'Xilin',\n // start_date: '08/07/2018',\n // salary: '$16049.93',\n // age: '36',\n // experience: '5 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 82,\n // avatar: '8.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Aila Quailadis',\n // post: 'Technical Writer',\n // email: 'aquail29@prlog.org',\n // city: 'Shuangchahe',\n // start_date: '02/11/2018',\n // salary: '$24137.29',\n // age: '43',\n // experience: '4 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 83,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Myrvyn Gilogly',\n // post: 'Research Associate',\n // email: 'mgilogly2a@elpais.com',\n // city: 'Prince Rupert',\n // start_date: '05/13/2018',\n // salary: '$10089.96',\n // age: '19',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 84,\n // avatar: '5.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Hanna Langthorne',\n // post: 'Analyst Programmer',\n // email: 'hlangthorne2b@stumbleupon.com',\n // city: 'Guaynabo',\n // start_date: '11/11/2018',\n // salary: '$14227.10',\n // age: '21',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 85,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Ruby Gimblet',\n // post: 'Registered Nurse',\n // email: 'rgimblet2c@1688.com',\n // city: 'Nanyulinxi',\n // start_date: '03/28/2016',\n // salary: '$19562.59',\n // age: '30',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 86,\n // avatar: '4.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Louis Paszak',\n // post: 'Programmer',\n // email: 'lpaszak2d@behance.net',\n // city: 'Chiscas',\n // start_date: '04/25/2016',\n // salary: '$17178.86',\n // age: '51',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 87,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Glennie Riolfi',\n // post: 'Computer Systems Analyst',\n // email: 'griolfi2e@drupal.org',\n // city: 'Taung',\n // start_date: '06/18/2018',\n // salary: '$15089.83',\n // age: '29',\n // experience: '4 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 88,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Jemimah Morgan',\n // post: 'Staff Accountant',\n // email: 'jmorgan2f@nifty.com',\n // city: 'La Esperanza',\n // start_date: '01/17/2016',\n // salary: '$18330.72',\n // age: '27',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 89,\n // avatar: '10.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Talya Brandon',\n // post: 'Food Chemist',\n // email: 'tbrandon2g@ucoz.com',\n // city: 'Zaječar',\n // start_date: '10/08/2018',\n // salary: '$16284.64',\n // age: '28',\n // experience: '6 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 90,\n // avatar: '6.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Renate Shay',\n // post: 'Recruiter',\n // email: 'rshay2h@tumblr.com',\n // city: 'Pueblo Viejo',\n // start_date: '03/15/2017',\n // salary: '$18523.75',\n // age: '28',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 91,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Julianne Bartosik',\n // post: 'Senior Cost Accountant',\n // email: 'jbartosik2i@state.gov',\n // city: 'Botlhapatlou',\n // start_date: '02/06/2017',\n // salary: '$17607.66',\n // age: '48',\n // experience: '6 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 92,\n // avatar: '3.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Yvonne Emberton',\n // post: 'Recruiter',\n // email: 'yemberton2j@blog.com',\n // city: 'Nagcarlan',\n // start_date: '02/13/2017',\n // salary: '$17550.18',\n // age: '20',\n // experience: '1 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 93,\n // avatar: '8.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Danya Faichnie',\n // post: 'Social Worker',\n // email: 'dfaichnie2k@weather.com',\n // city: 'Taling',\n // start_date: '07/29/2019',\n // salary: '$18469.35',\n // age: '37',\n // experience: '3 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 94,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Ronica Hasted',\n // post: 'Software Consultant',\n // email: 'rhasted2l@hexun.com',\n // city: 'Gangkou',\n // start_date: '07/04/2019',\n // salary: '$24866.66',\n // age: '53',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 95,\n // avatar: '2.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Edwina Ebsworth',\n // post: 'Human Resources Assistant',\n // email: 'eebsworth2m@sbwire.com',\n // city: 'Puzi',\n // start_date: '09/27/2018',\n // salary: '$19586.23',\n // age: '27',\n // experience: '2 Years',\n // status: 1\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 96,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Alaric Beslier',\n // post: 'Tax Accountant',\n // email: 'abeslier2n@zimbio.com',\n // city: 'Ocucaje',\n // start_date: '04/16/2017',\n // salary: '$19366.53',\n // age: '22',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 97,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Reina Peckett',\n // post: 'Quality Control Specialist',\n // email: 'rpeckett2o@timesonline.co.uk',\n // city: 'Anyang',\n // start_date: '05/20/2018',\n // salary: '$16619.40',\n // age: '46',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 98,\n // avatar: '7.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Olivette Gudgin',\n // post: 'Paralegal',\n // email: 'ogudgin2p@gizmodo.com',\n // city: 'Fujinomiya',\n // start_date: '04/09/2019',\n // salary: '$15211.60',\n // age: '47',\n // experience: '8 Years',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 99,\n // avatar: '10.jpg',\n // full_name: 'Evangelina Carnock',\n // post: 'Cost Accountant',\n // email: 'ecarnock2q@washington.edu',\n // city: 'Doushaguan',\n // start_date: '01/26/2017',\n // salary: '$23704.82',\n // age: '51',\n // experience: '0 Year',\n // status: 2\n // },\n // {\n // responsive_id: '',\n // id: 100,\n // avatar: '',\n // full_name: 'Glyn Giacoppo',\n // post: 'Software Test Engineer',\n // email: 'ggiacoppo2r@apache.org',\n // city: 'Butha-Buthe',\n // start_date: '04/15/2017',\n // salary: '$24973.48',\n // age: '41',\n // experience: '7 Years',\n // status: 2\n // }\n]\n\nmock.onGet('/api/datatables/initial-data').reply(() => {\n return [200, data]\n})\n\nmock.onGet('/api/datatables/data').reply(config => {\n // eslint-disable-next-line object-curly-newline\n const { q = '', perPage = 10, page = 1 } = config\n /* eslint-enable */\n\n const queryLowered = q.toLowerCase()\n const filteredData = data.filter(\n item =>\n /* eslint-disable operator-linebreak, implicit-arrow-linebreak */\n item.full_name.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n item.post.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n item.email.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n item.age.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n item.salary.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered) ||\n item.start_date.toLowerCase().includes(queryLowered)\n )\n /* eslint-enable */\n\n return [\n 200,\n {\n allData: data,\n invoices: paginateArray(filteredData, perPage, page),\n total: filteredData.length\n }\n ]\n})\n","import mock from '../mock'\n\nconst data = {\n pricing: {\n basicPlan: {\n title: 'Basic',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/illustration/Pot1.svg').default,\n subtitle: 'A simple start for everyone',\n monthlyPrice: 0,\n yearlyPlan: {\n perMonth: 0,\n totalAnnual: 0\n },\n planBenefits: [\n '100 responses a month',\n 'Unlimited forms and surveys',\n 'Unlimited fields',\n 'Basic form creation tools',\n 'Up to 2 subdomains'\n ],\n popular: false\n },\n standardPlan: {\n title: 'Standard',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/illustration/Pot2.svg').default,\n subtitle: 'For small to medium businesses',\n monthlyPrice: 49,\n yearlyPlan: {\n perMonth: 40,\n totalAnnual: 480\n },\n planBenefits: [\n 'Unlimited responses',\n 'Unlimited forms and surveys',\n 'Instagram profile page',\n 'Google Docs integration',\n 'Custom “Thank you” page'\n ],\n popular: true\n },\n enterprisePlan: {\n title: 'Enterprise',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/illustration/Pot3.svg').default,\n subtitle: 'Solution for big organizations',\n monthlyPrice: 99,\n yearlyPlan: {\n perMonth: 80,\n totalAnnual: 960\n },\n planBenefits: [\n 'PayPal payments',\n 'Logic Jumps',\n 'File upload with 5GB storage',\n 'Custom domain support',\n 'Stripe integration'\n ],\n popular: false\n },\n qandA: [\n {\n question: 'Does my subscription automatically renew?',\n ans: 'Pastry pudding cookie toffee bonbon jujubes jujubes powder topping. Jelly beans gummi bears sweet roll bonbon muffin liquorice. Wafer lollipop sesame snaps. Brownie macaroon cookie muffin cupcake candy caramels tiramisu. Oat cake chocolate cake sweet jelly-o brownie biscuit marzipan. Jujubes donut marzipan chocolate bar. Jujubes sugar plum jelly beans tiramisu icing cheesecake.'\n },\n {\n question: 'Can I store the item on an intranet so everyone has access?',\n ans: 'Tiramisu marshmallow dessert halvah bonbon cake gingerbread. Jelly beans chocolate pie powder. Dessert pudding chocolate cake bonbon bear claw cotton candy cheesecake. Biscuit fruitcake macaroon carrot cake. Chocolate cake bear claw muffin chupa chups pudding.'\n },\n {\n question: 'Am I allowed to modify the item that I purchased?',\n ans: 'Tart gummies dragée lollipop fruitcake pastry oat cake. Cookie jelly jelly macaroon icing jelly beans soufflé cake sweet. Macaroon sesame snaps cheesecake tart cake sugar plum. Dessert jelly-o sweet muffin chocolate candy pie tootsie roll marzipan. Carrot cake marshmallow pastry. Bonbon biscuit pastry topping toffee dessert gummies. Topping apple pie pie croissant cotton candy dessert tiramisu.'\n }\n ]\n }\n}\n\nmock.onGet('/pricing/data').reply(() => [200, data.pricing])\n","import mock from '../mock'\n\nexport const searchArr = [\n {\n groupTitle: 'Pages',\n searchLimit: 4,\n data: [\n {\n id: 1,\n target: 'analyticsDash',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Analytics Dashboard',\n icon: 'Home',\n link: '/dashboard/analytics'\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n target: 'eCommerceDash',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'eCommerce Dashboard',\n icon: 'Home',\n link: '/'\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n target: 'email',\n isBookmarked: true,\n title: 'Email',\n icon: 'Mail',\n link: '/apps/email'\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n target: 'chat',\n isBookmarked: true,\n title: 'Chat',\n icon: 'MessageSquare',\n link: '/apps/chat'\n },\n {\n id: 5,\n target: 'todo',\n isBookmarked: true,\n title: 'Todo',\n icon: 'CheckSquare',\n link: '/apps/todo'\n },\n {\n id: 6,\n target: 'calendar',\n isBookmarked: true,\n title: 'Calendar',\n icon: 'Calendar',\n link: '/apps/calendar'\n },\n {\n id: 7,\n target: 'invoiceList',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Invoice List',\n icon: 'List',\n link: '/apps/invoice/list'\n },\n {\n id: 8,\n target: 'invoicePreview',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Invoice Preview',\n icon: 'FileText',\n link: '/apps/invoice/preview'\n },\n {\n id: 9,\n target: 'invoiceEdit',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Invoice Edit',\n icon: 'Edit',\n link: '/apps/invoice/edit'\n },\n {\n id: 10,\n target: 'invoiceAdd',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Invoice Add',\n icon: 'Plus',\n link: '/apps/invoice/add'\n },\n {\n id: 11,\n target: 'shop',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Shop Ecommerce',\n icon: 'ShoppingCart',\n link: '/apps/ecommerce/shop'\n },\n {\n id: 12,\n target: 'detail',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Product Detail',\n icon: 'Circle',\n link: '/apps/ecommerce/product-detail'\n },\n {\n id: 13,\n target: 'wishList',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Wish List',\n icon: 'Heart',\n link: '/apps/ecommerce/wishlist'\n },\n {\n id: 14,\n target: 'checkout',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Checkout',\n icon: 'CreditCard',\n link: '/apps/ecommerce/checkout'\n },\n {\n id: 15,\n target: 'userList',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'User List',\n icon: 'User',\n link: '/apps/user/list'\n },\n {\n id: 16,\n target: 'userView',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'User View',\n icon: 'User',\n link: '/apps/user/view'\n },\n {\n id: 18,\n target: 'login-basic',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Login Basic',\n icon: 'LogIn',\n link: '/pages/login-basic'\n },\n {\n id: 19,\n target: 'login-cover',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Login Cover',\n icon: 'LogIn',\n link: '/pages/login-cover'\n },\n {\n id: 20,\n target: 'register-basic',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Register Basic',\n icon: 'UserPlus',\n link: '/pages/register-basic'\n },\n {\n id: 21,\n target: 'register-cover',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Register Cover',\n icon: 'UserPlus',\n link: '/pages/register-cover'\n 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false,\n title: 'Spinners',\n icon: 'Sun',\n link: '/components/spinners'\n },\n {\n id: 66,\n target: 'tabsComponent',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Tabs Component',\n icon: 'Server',\n link: '/components/tabs-component'\n },\n {\n id: 67,\n target: 'timeline',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Timeline',\n icon: 'MoreVertical',\n link: '/components/timeline'\n },\n {\n id: 68,\n target: 'toasts',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Toasts',\n icon: 'Triangle',\n link: '/components/toasts'\n },\n {\n id: 69,\n target: 'tooltips',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Tooltips',\n icon: 'MessageCircle',\n link: '/components/tooltips'\n },\n {\n id: 70,\n target: 'sweetAlert',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Sweet Alerts',\n icon: 'AlertTriangle',\n link: '/extensions/sweet-alert'\n },\n {\n id: 71,\n target: 'blockui',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'BlockUI',\n icon: 'Loader',\n link: '/components/blockui'\n },\n {\n id: 72,\n target: 'toastr',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Toastr',\n 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'/extensions/swiper'\n },\n {\n id: 81,\n target: 'ratings',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Ratings',\n icon: 'Star',\n link: '/extensions/ratings'\n },\n {\n id: 82,\n target: 'i18n',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'I18n',\n icon: 'Globe',\n link: '/extensions/i18n'\n },\n {\n id: 83,\n target: 'access-control',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Access Control',\n icon: 'Lock',\n link: '/access-control'\n },\n {\n id: 84,\n target: 'extPagination',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'React Paginate',\n icon: 'MoreHorizontal',\n link: '/extensions/pagination'\n },\n {\n id: 85,\n target: 'extImport',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Import',\n icon: 'DownloadCloud',\n link: '/extensions/import'\n },\n {\n id: 86,\n target: 'extExport',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Export',\n icon: 'UploadCloud',\n link: '/extensions/export'\n },\n {\n id: 87,\n target: 'extExportSelected',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Export Selected',\n icon: 'CheckSquare',\n link: 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'/forms/form-validation'\n },\n {\n id: 109,\n target: 'formRepeater',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Form Repeater',\n icon: 'RotateCw',\n link: '/forms/form-repeater'\n },\n {\n id: 110,\n target: 'tablesReactstrap',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Reactstrap Tables',\n icon: 'Grid',\n link: '/tables/reactstrap'\n },\n {\n id: 111,\n target: 'dtBasic',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Datatables Basic',\n icon: 'Grid',\n link: '/datatables/basic'\n },\n {\n id: 112,\n target: 'dtAdvance',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Datatables Advance',\n icon: 'Grid',\n link: '/datatables/advance'\n },\n {\n id: 114,\n target: 'apex',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Apex Charts',\n icon: 'BarChart',\n link: '/charts/apex'\n },\n {\n id: 115,\n target: 'chartJs',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'ChartJS',\n icon: 'Activity',\n link: '/charts/chartjs'\n },\n {\n id: 116,\n target: 'recharts',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Recharts',\n icon: 'BarChart2',\n link: '/charts/recharts'\n },\n {\n id: 118,\n target: 'roles',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Roles',\n icon: 'Shield',\n link: '/apps/roles'\n },\n {\n id: 119,\n target: 'permissions',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Permissions',\n icon: 'Shield',\n link: '/apps/permissions'\n },\n {\n id: 120,\n target: 'license',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'License',\n icon: 'CreditCard',\n link: '/pages/license'\n },\n {\n id: 121,\n target: 'apiKey',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'API Key',\n icon: 'Key',\n link: '/pages/api-key'\n },\n {\n id: 122,\n target: 'accordion',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Accordion',\n icon: 'AlignJustify',\n link: '/components/accordion'\n },\n {\n id: 123,\n target: 'offCanvas',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'OffCanvas',\n icon: 'Layout',\n link: '/components/offcanvas'\n },\n {\n id: 123,\n target: 'offCanvas',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'OffCanvas',\n icon: 'Layout',\n link: '/components/offcanvas'\n },\n {\n id: 124,\n target: 'modalExamples',\n isBookmarked: false,\n title: 'Modal Examples',\n icon: 'Square',\n link: '/pages/modal-examples'\n },\n {\n id: 125,\n icon: 'AtSign',\n isBookmarked: false,\n target: 'verifyEmailBasic',\n title: 'Verify Email Basic',\n link: '/pages/verify-email-basic'\n },\n {\n id: 126,\n icon: 'AtSign',\n isBookmarked: false,\n target: 'verifyEmailCover',\n title: 'Verify Email Cover',\n link: '/pages/verify-email-cover'\n },\n {\n id: 127,\n icon: 'HelpCircle',\n isBookmarked: false,\n target: 'TwoStepBasic',\n link: '/pages/two-steps-basic',\n title: 'Two Step Verification Basic'\n },\n {\n id: 128,\n icon: 'HelpCircle',\n isBookmarked: false,\n target: 'TwoStepCover',\n link: '/pages/two-steps-cover',\n title: 'Two Step Verification Cover'\n },\n {\n id: 129,\n icon: 'CheckSquare',\n isBookmarked: false,\n target: 'appKanban',\n link: '/apps/kanban',\n title: 'Kanban'\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n groupTitle: 'Files',\n searchLimit: 4,\n data: [\n {\n title: 'Passport Image',\n by: 'Oliver Queen',\n size: '52kb',\n file: require('@src/assets/images/icons/jpg.png').default\n },\n {\n title: 'Parenting Guide',\n by: 'Alfred Pennyworth',\n size: '2.3mb',\n file: require('@src/assets/images/icons/doc.png').default\n },\n {\n title: 'Class Notes',\n by: 'Barry Allen',\n size: '30kb',\n file: require('@src/assets/images/icons/doc.png').default\n },\n {\n title: 'Class Attendance',\n by: 'Walter White',\n size: '52mb',\n file: require('@src/assets/images/icons/xls.png').default\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n groupTitle: 'Contacts',\n searchLimit: 4,\n data: [\n {\n title: 'Mia Davis',\n email: 'miadavis@teleworm.us',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-8.jpg').default,\n date: '01/03/2020'\n },\n {\n title: 'Norris Carrière',\n email: 'NorrisCarriere@rhyta.com',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-3.jpg').default,\n date: '07/03/2020'\n },\n {\n title: 'Charlotte Gordon',\n email: 'CharlotteGordon@jourrapide.com',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-26.jpg').default,\n date: '14/03/2020'\n },\n {\n title: 'Robert Nash',\n email: 'RobertNash@dayrep.com',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/portrait/small/avatar-s-25.jpg').default,\n date: '21/03/2020'\n }\n ]\n }\n]\n\n// GET Search Data\nmock.onGet('/api/main-search/data').reply(() => {\n return [200, { searchArr }]\n})\n\n// GET Search Data & Bookmarks\nmock.onGet('/api/bookmarks/data').reply(() => {\n const bookmarks = searchArr[0].data.filter(item => item.isBookmarked)\n const suggestions = searchArr[0].data\n return [200, { suggestions, bookmarks }]\n})\n\n// POST Update isBookmarked\nmock.onPost('/api/bookmarks/update').reply(config => {\n const { id } = JSON.parse(config.data)\n\n const obj = searchArr[0].data.find(item => item.id === id)\n\n Object.assign(obj, { isBookmarked: !obj.isBookmarked })\n\n return [200]\n})\n","import mock from '../mock'\n\nconst data = {\n // knowledge base\n knowledgeBase: [\n {\n id: 1,\n category: 'sales-automation',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/illustration/sales.svg').default,\n title: 'Sales Automation',\n desc: 'There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of image of our tiny world.'\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n category: 'marketing-automation',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/illustration/marketing.svg').default,\n title: 'Marketing Automation',\n desc: 'Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love.'\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n category: 'api-questions',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/illustration/api.svg').default,\n title: 'API Questions',\n desc: 'every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization.'\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n category: 'personalization',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/illustration/personalization.svg').default,\n title: 'Personalization',\n desc: 'It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character experience.'\n },\n {\n id: 5,\n category: 'email-marketing',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/illustration/email.svg').default,\n title: 'Email Marketing',\n desc: 'There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits.'\n },\n {\n id: 6,\n category: 'demand-generation',\n img: require('@src/assets/images/illustration/demand.svg').default,\n title: 'Demand Generation',\n desc: 'Competent means we will never take anything for granted.'\n }\n ],\n categoryData: [\n {\n id: 0,\n title: 'Account Settings',\n icon: 'Settings',\n iconColor: 'text-primary',\n questions: [\n {\n id: 0,\n question: 'How Secure Is My Password?',\n slug: 'how-secure-is-my-password'\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n question: 'Can I Change My Username?',\n slug: 'can-i-change-my-username'\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n question: 'Where Can I Upload My Avatar?',\n slug: 'where-can-i-upload-my-avatar'\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n question: 'How Do I Change My Timezone?',\n slug: 'how-do-i-change-my-timezone'\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n question: 'How Do I Change My Password?',\n slug: 'how-do-i-change-my-password'\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n title: 'API Questions',\n icon: 'Link',\n iconColor: 'text-success',\n questions: [\n {\n id: 0,\n question: 'What Technologies Are Used?',\n slug: 'what-technologies-are-used'\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n question: 'What Are The API Limits?',\n slug: 'what-are-the-api-limits'\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n question: 'Why Was My Application Rejected?',\n slug: 'why-was-my-application-rejected?'\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n question: 'Where can I find the documentation?',\n slug: 'where-can-i-find-the-documentation'\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n question: 'How Do I Get An API Key?',\n slug: 'how-do-i-get-an-api-key?'\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n title: 'Billing',\n icon: 'FileText',\n iconColor: 'text-danger',\n questions: [\n {\n id: 0,\n question: 'Can I Contact A Salés Rep?',\n slug: 'can-i-contact-a-salés-rep'\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n question: 'Do I Need To Pay VAT?',\n slug: 'do-i-needto-pay-vat'\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n question: 'Can I Get A Refund?',\n slug: 'can-i-get-a-refund'\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n question: 'Difference Annual & Monthly Billing',\n slug: 'difference-annual-monthly-billing'\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n question: 'What Happens If The Price Increases?',\n slug: 'what-happens-if-the-price-increases?'\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n title: 'Copyright & Legal',\n icon: 'Lock',\n iconColor: 'text-warning',\n questions: [\n {\n id: 0,\n question: 'How Do I Contact Legal?',\n slug: 'how-do-i-contact-legal'\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n question: 'Where Are Your Offices Located?',\n slug: 'where-are-your-offices-located'\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n question: 'Who Owns The Copyright On Text?',\n slug: 'who-owns-the-copyright-on-text'\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n question: 'Our Content Policy',\n slug: 'our-content-policy'\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n question: 'How Do I File A DMCA?',\n slug: 'how-do-i-file-a-dmca'\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n title: 'Mobile Apps',\n icon: 'Smartphone',\n iconColor: 'text-info',\n questions: [\n {\n id: 0,\n question: 'How Do I Download The Android App?',\n slug: 'how-do-i-download-the-android-app'\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n question: 'How To Download Our iPad App',\n slug: 'how-to-download-our-ipad-app'\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n question: 'Where Can I Upload My Avatar?',\n slug: 'where-can-i-upload-my-avatar'\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n question: 'Can I Use My Android Phone?',\n slug: 'can-i-use-my-android-phone'\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n question: 'Is There An iOS App?',\n slug: 'is-there-an-ios-app'\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n id: 5,\n title: 'Using KnowHow',\n icon: 'HelpCircle',\n iconColor: '',\n questions: [\n {\n id: 0,\n question: 'Customization',\n slug: 'customization'\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n question: 'Upgrading',\n slug: 'upgrading'\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n question: 'Customizing Your Theme',\n slug: 'customizing-your-theme'\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n question: 'Upgrading Your Theme',\n slug: 'upgrading-your-theme'\n }\n ]\n }\n ],\n questionData: {\n title: 'Why Was My Developer Application Rejected?',\n lastUpdated: '10 Dec 2018',\n relatedQuestions: [\n {\n id: 0,\n question: 'How Secure Is My Password?'\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n question: 'Can I Change My Username?'\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n question: 'Where Can I Upload My Avatar?'\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n question: 'How Do I Change My Timezone?'\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n question: 'How Do I Change My Password?'\n }\n ],\n // ! Here we have used require for image source but in API it shall be URL of live image, this is just for demo purpose\n content: `It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known. The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.
that may have seemed like a very long final phase. The auto targeting was taking us right into a … crater, with a large number of big boulders and rocks … and it required …flying manually over the rock field to find a reasonably good area.